Article importance: Processes to evaluate the success of published articles are subjective
V.C. McAlister
Degré d’importance des articles : Les processus d’évaluation des articles publiés sont subjectifs
V.C. McAlister
Physician extenders on surgical services: the need for a systems perspective
H. Smith, C. Kuziemsky, C. Champion
Idle hands? What we know about surgeon unemployment in Canada
M. Strickland, I. Datta
The Canadian Army Medical Corps affair of 1916 and Surgeon General Guy Carleton Jones
J.-R. Bernier, V.C. McAlister
Associations between provider and hospital volumes and postoperative mortality following total hip arthroplasty in New Brunswick: results from a provincial-level cohort study
D.L. Crouse, P.S.J. Leonard, J. Boudreau, J.T. McDonald
Surgical intervention in pediatric trauma at a level 1 trauma hospital: a retrospective cohort study and report of cost data
R.V. Anantha, P. Zamiara, N.H. Merritt
Regional differences in aortic valve replacements: Atlantic Canadian experience
C. McGuire, A.M. Yip, J.B. MacLeod, V. Paddock, S. Lutchmedial, N. Nadeem, G. Hirsch, C. Adams, K. Melvin, S. Connors, A. Hassan, J.-F. Légaré
Intraoperative cell salvage with autologous transfusion in elective right or repeat hepatectomy: a propensity-score–matched case–control analysis
T. Zacharias, E. Ahlschwede, N. Dufour, F. Romain, O. Theissen-Laval
Training surgical residents to use a framework to promote shared decision-making for patients with poor prognosis experiencing surgical emergencies
T. Chesney, K. Devon
Airway management changes associated with rising radiologic incidence of external laryngotracheal injury
D.R. Randall, L. Rudmik, C.G. Ball, J.D. Bosch
Is radiofrequency ablation of varicose veins a valuable option? A systematic review of the literature with a cost analysis
T.G. Poder, J.-F. Fisette, S.K. Bédard, M.-A. Despatis
Kidney paired donation and the unique challenges of kidney shipment in Canada
T. McGregor, A. Sener, S. Paraskevas, B. Reikie
Patient-perceived barriers to radiation therapy for breast cancer
K. Guidolin, M. Lock, M. Brackstone
Reduction of pancreatic anastomotic leakage after pancreaticoduodenectomy
P. Niloff
Trauma Association of Canada Abstracts 2018