Editorial • Éditorial

Patient outcomes versus financial outcomes: Which should we listen to?
E.J. Harvey

Résultats chez les patients ou résultats financiers : Que faut-il prioriser?
E.J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

One thousand consecutive in-hospital deaths following severe injury: Has the etiology of traumatic inpatient death changed in Canada?
D.J. Roberts, C. Harzan, A.W. Kirkpatrick, E. Dixon, S.C. Grondin, P.B. McBeth, G.G. Kaplan, C.G. Ball

The current state of resident trauma training: Are we losing a generation?
P.T. Engels, N.L. Bradley, C.G. Ball

History of surgery: First World War
Histoire de la chirurgie : Première Guerre Mondiale

Massacre of Canadian Army Medical Corps personnel after the sinking of HMHS Llandovery Castle and the evolution of modern war crime jurisprudence
J. Doucet, G. Haley, V. McAlister

Research • Recherche

Management of intra-abdominal vascular injury in trauma laparotomy: a South African experience
R. Weale, V. Kong, V. Manchev, W. Bekker, G. Oosthuizen, P. Brysiewicz, G. Laing, J. Bruce, D. Clarke

Risk factors for infection, revision, death, blood transfusion and longer hospital stay 3 months and 1 year after primary total hip or knee arthroplasty
C. Rhee, L. Lethbridge, G. Richardson, M. Dunbar

Tranexamic acid administration to older patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty conserves hemoglobin and reduces blood loss
H. El Beheiry, A. Lubberdink, N. Clements, K. Dihllon, V. Sharma

Troponin T monitoring to detect myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a cost–consequence analysis
G. Lurati Buse, B. Manns, A. Lamy, G. Guyatt, C.A. Polanczyk, M.T.V. Chan, C.Y. Wang, J.C. Villar, A. Sigamani, D.I. Sessler, O. Berwanger, B.M. Biccard, R. Pearse, G. Urrútia, R.W. Szczeklik, I. Garutti, S. Srinathan, G. Malaga, V. Abraham, C.K. Chow, M.J. Jacka, M. Tiboni, G. Ackland, D. Macneil, R. Sapsford, M. Leuwer, Y. Le Manach, P.J. Devereaux

Clinical and operative outcomes of patients with acute cholecystitis who are treated initially with image-guided cholecystostomy
I. Molavi, A. Schellenberg, F. Christian

Review • Revue

Diagnostic accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography for gallbladder polyps: systematic review
E. Martin, R. Gill, E. Debru

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to assess a qualitative study
L. Gallo, J. Murphy, L.H. Braga, F. Farrokhyar, A. Thoma