Are morbidity and mortality conferences becoming a lost art?
C.G. Ball
Les revues de morbidité et mortalité sont-elles un art qui se perd?
C.G. Ball
Use of the Corail stem for revision total hip arthroplasty: evaluation of clinical outcomes and cost
T.J. Wood, M. Alzahrani, J.D. Marsh, L.E. Somerville, E.M. Vasarhelyi, B.A. Lanting
Relation between socioeconomic variables and surgical, systemic and radiation treatment in a cohort of patients with breast cancer in an urban Canadian centre
J. Li, S.D. Cornacchi, F. Farrokhyar, N. Johnston, S. Forbes, S. Reid, N. Hodgson, S. Lovrics, K. Lucibello, P. Lovrics
Predictors of dysplastic and neoplastic progression of Barrett's esophagus
S. Alnasser, R. Agnihotram, M. Martel, S. Mayrand, E. Franco, L. Ferri
High-risk medications in older patients with trauma: a cross-sectional study of risk mitigation
E. Lester, M. Dykstra, C. Grant, V. Fawcett, B. Tsang, S. Widder
Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in male patients with surgically treated maxillary and zygomatic fractures
S. Lupi-Ferandin, T. Galic, N. Ivkovic, R. Pecotic, Z. Dogas
Surgical site infection following abdominal surgery: a prospective cohort study
A. Alkaaki, O.O. Al-Radi, A. Khoja, A. Alnawawi, A. Alnawawi, A. Maghrabi, A. Altaf, M. Aljiffry
Does oxidized zirconium make a difference? Midterm cohort survivorship of symmetric posterior condyle posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty
A.R. Demcoe, E.R. Bohm, D.R. Hedden, C.D. Burnell, T.R. Turgeon
Effect of predicted travel time to trauma care on mortality in major trauma patients in Nova Scotia
G. Tansley, N. Schuurman, M. Bowes, M. Erdogan, R. Green, M. Asbridge, N. Yanchar
Limberg flap versus Karydakis flap for treating pilonidal sinus disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
P. Gavriilidis, E. Bota
Laparoscopic colectomy: trends in implementation in Canada and globally
M. Hoogerboord, J. Ellsmere, A. Caycedo-Marulanda, C. Brown, S. Jayaraman, D. Urbach, S. Cleary
Deployment of second-generation resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta for unresponsive hypotension in a polytrauma patient
T. Paradis, O. Bekdache, D. Bracco, J. Grushka, T. Razek, D. Lasry, A. Beckett