Editorial • Éditorial

Surgical research in Canada: How can we re-ignite the pilot light?
C.G. Ball, E.J. Harvey

Recherche en chirurgie au Canada : comment raviver la flamme?
E.J. Harvey, C.G. Ball

Review * Revue

Cannabis for pain in orthopedics: a systematic review focusing on study methodology
K. Madden, A. George, N.J. van der Hoek, F.M. Borim, G. Mammen, M. Bhandari

Research • Recherche

The changing face of academic general surgery in Canada: a cross-sectional cohort study
A. Tran, N. Gawad, A. Martel, N. Manhas, M. Allen, M. Hameed, F. Balaa

Stable rates of operative treatment of distal radius fractures in Ontario, Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study (2004–2013)
K.A. Armstrong, H.P. von Schroeder, N.N. Baxter, T. Zhong, A. Huang, S.J. McCabe

Use of instrumented lumbar spinal surgery for degenerative conditions: trends and costs over time in Ontario, Canada
Y. Xu, D. Yen, M. Whitehead, J. Xu, A.P. Johnson

Safe laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy in the face of severe inflammation in the cystohepatic triangle: a retrospective review and proposed management strategy for the difficult gallbladder
R.H. Purzner, K.B. Ho, E. Al-Sukhni, S. Jayaraman

Unplanned early hospital readmissions in a vascular surgery population
A. Papadopoulos, S. Devries, J. Montbriand, N. Eisenberg, C. de Mestral, G. Roche-Nagle

Correlation of postoperative splenic volume increase with prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma after curative hepatectomy
J. Lin, M.-H. Chi, X. Zhang, S.-G. Weng

Do North American colorectal surgeons use mesh to prevent parastomal hernia? A survey of current attitudes and practice
J. Holland, T. Chesney, F. Dossa, S. Acuna, K.A. Fleshner, N.N. Baxter

Improving value and access to specialty medical care for families: a pediatric surgery telehealth program
P. Dean, M. O'Donnell, L. Zhou, E.D. Skarsgard

Ten-year risk of complication and mortality after total hip arthroplasty in morbidly obese patients: a population study
M. Tohidi, S.B. Brogly, K. Lajkosz, M.M. Harrison, A.R. Campbell, E. VanDenKerkhof, S.M. Mann

What attributes define excellence in a trauma team? A qualitative study
F. Kassam, A.R. Cheong, D. Evans, A. Singhal

Transanal endoscopic microsurgery for rectal villous tumours: Can we rely solely on preoperative biopsies and the surgeon's experience?
F. Letarte, S. Drolet, A.-S. Laliberté, P. Bouchard, A. Bouchard

A double-blind randomized controlled trial of total knee replacement using patient-specific cutting block instrumentation versus standard instrumentation
T. R. Turgeon, B. Cameron, C.D. Burnell, D.R. Hedden, E.R. Bohm

Uniportal versus multiportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the treatment of lung cancer: a Canadian single-centre retrospective study
T.A. Bin Yameen, V. Gupta, A. Behzadi

Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and the impact of a thrombosis service at a Canadian level 1 trauma centre
P.T. Engels, H. Thomas, A. Coates, H. Bakry, A. Alali, A. AlGhambdi, A. Al-Jabri, A. Bugshan

Mental toughness in surgeons: Is there room for improvement?
D.B. Percy, L. Streith, H. Wong, C.G. Ball, S. Widder, M. Hameed

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Best practices for enhancing surgical research: a perspective from the Canadian Association of Chairs of Surgical Research
A. Sener, C.C. Anderson, F.A. Auger, J. Barralet, M. Brindle, F.S. Cayabyab, M.G. Fehlings, L. Lacombe, L.P. Perrault, R. Sabbagh, A.J.E. Seely, C. Wallace, J. Ellsmere, R. Keijzer

Vascular trauma: Does experience in the United States apply to a Canadian centre?
S. Smith, V. McAlister, N. Parry, A. Power, K. Vogt

Intermittent use of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in penetrating gunshot wound of the lower extremity
O. Bekdache, T. Paradis, D. Bracco, A. Elbahrawy, K. Khwaja, D.L. Deckelbaum, P. Fata, A. Beckett, T. Razek, J. Grushka

A "human-proof pointy-end": a robotically applied hemostatic clamp for care-under-fire
I.A. McKee, J.L. McKee, B.E. Knudsen, R. Shelton, T. LaPorta, J. Wachs, A.W. Kirkpatrick

A Canadian strategy for surgical quality improvement
D.R. Urbach, A.A. Karimuddin, A. Wei, B.P. Zabolotny, G. Lefebvre, M. Walsh, M. Hameed, P. Fata, P. Chaudhury, R.S. McLeod, S.P. Cleary


Canadian Conference for the Advancement of Surgical Education: Abstracts