Editorial • Éditorial

Lessons (so far) from the COVID-19 pandemic
E. J. Harvey

Leçons tirées de la pandémie de COVID-19 (à ce jour)
E. J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

A tribute to Dr. Roger Keith (1940–2020)
A. S. MacDonald, V. C. McAlister

COVID-19: pivoting from in-person to virtual orthopedic surgical evaluation
A. Roberts, G.H.F. Johnston, C. Landells

Review • Revue

Clinical effectiveness of therapy with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices in nonischemic versus ischemic cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C. Wavell, A. Sokolowski, M. L. Klingel, C. Yin, A. D. Nagpal

Research • Recherche

Safety of transition from a routine to a selective intensive care admission pathway after elective open aneurysm repair
D. Dion, L. M. Drudi, N. Beaudoin, J.-F. Blair, S. Elkouri

The burden of waiting: wait times for pediatric surgical procedures in Quebec and compliance with national benchmarks
B. Arulanandam, M. Dorais, P. Li, D. Poenaru

Effectiveness of trauma centre verification: a systematic review and meta-analysis
B. Batomen, L. Moore, M. Carabali, P.-A. Tardif, H. Champion, A. Nandi

Implementation of a systematic tobacco treatment protocol in a surgical outpatient setting: a feasibility study
J. Sadek, H. Moloo, P. Belanger, K. Nadeau, D. Aitken, K. Foss, T. Zwiep, D. McIsaac, L. Williams, I. Raiche, R. Musselman, K.-A. Mullen

Evaluating bowel enterotomy closures in simulated deep body cavities using the reversing half-hitch alternating post and square knots: a randomized controlled trial
E. A. Sykes, M. Lemke, D. Potter, T. Li, Z. M. Mir, G. Sheahan, V. Wu, B. Zevin

Optimizing opioid prescriptions after laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy
A. E. Feinberg, S. A. Acuna, D. Smith, B. Kashin, A. Mocon, B. Yau, J. Chiu, S. Srikandarajah

Variability in research productivity among Canadian surgical specialties
H. Wang, M. W.A. Chu, L. Dubois

Variable effects of obesity on access to total hip and knee arthroplasty
G. Richardson, C. Dusik, L. Lethbridge, M. Dunbar

Presentation and survival among patients with colorectal cancer before the age of screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C. D. Griffiths, T. McKechnie, Y. Lee, J. E. Springer, A. G. Doumouras, D. Hong, C. Eskicioglu

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Is an optical illusion the cause of classical bile duct injuries?
F. Sutherland, C. G. Ball, J. Schendel, E. Dixon

A bundled approach to care: reducing the incidence of postoperative pneumonia in patients undergoing hepatectomy and Whipple procedures
G. Mahama, L. Vigneswaran, A. Silva, A. Maeda, D.-G. Davis, L. Thomas, B. Barretto, S. Weller, A. Okrainec, J. Gajasan, T. Jackson

The Canadian Ophthalmology Society's adaptation of the Medically Necessary Time-sensitive Surgical Procedures triage and prioritization tool

Combining enhanced recovery and short-stay protocols for hip and knee joint replacements: the ideal solution
P.-A. Vendittoli, K. Pellei, C. Williams, C. Laflamme

Prioritizing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Quebec guidelines
M.-E. Bouthillier, M. Lorange, S. Legault, L. Wade, J. Dahine, J. Latreille, I. Germain, R. Grégoire, P. Montpetit, C. Prady, E. Thibault, V. Dumez, L. Opatrny