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août / August 2001

Can Assoc Radiol J 2001;52(4)

  Article spécial • Special Article
211 The International Society of Radiology
D.B. Fraser, B.C. Lentle
  Perfectionnement professionnel permanent • Continuing Professional Development
215 Practice Audit Program: percutaneous biopsy procedures
[ full text in PDF ]
  Imagerie de l'abdomen • Abdominal Imaging
220 Bilateral primary adrenocortical carcinoma complicated by Addisonian crisis: case report
M. Foster, R.L. Nolan, H.H. Hong
  Imagerie du sein • Breast Imaging
223 Diagnostic accuracy of a stereotaxically guided vacuum-assisted large-core breast biopsy program in Canada
J.T.W. Lai, P. Burrowes, J.H. MacGregor
[ full text in HTML ]
  Radiologie cardiovasculaire • Cardiovascular Radiology
228 High-output cardiac failure secondary to multiple vascular malformations in the liver: case report
S. Spaner, S. Demeter, D. Lien, J. Shapiro, M. McCarthy, G. Raymond
  Radiologie gastro-intestinale • Gastrointestinal Radiology
232 Use of heparin in the investigation of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding
J.R. Mernagh, N. O'Donovan, S. Somers, G. Gill, S. Sridhar
[ abstract / résumé in HTML ]
  Radiologie de la tête et du cou • Head and Neck Radiology
236 Rotational changes in the morphology of the vertebral artery at a common site of artery dissection
T.N. Sheth, J.L. Winslow, D.J. Mikulis
[ abstract / résumé in HTML ]
  Radiologie d'intervention • Interventional Radiology
242 Peripheral vascular malformations: diagnosis and percutaneous management
M.E. Simons
[ full text in HTML ]
  Radiologie ostéomusculaire • Musculoskeletal Radiology
252 Ultrasonographic features of an adductor longus tear: case report
L.H. Goh, R.K. Chhem, S.C. Wang, K.S. Tho
  Informatique • Computer Applications
255 Radiologic diagnosis of bone tumours using Webonex, a Web-based artificial intelligence program
P. Rasuli, F. Rasouli, T. Rasouli
  Médecine nucléaire • Nuclear Medicine
259 Visual and semiquantitative analysis of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography using a partial-ring tomograph without attenuation correction to differentiate benign and malignant pulmonary nodules
S.J. Skehan, G. Coates, C. Otero, N. O'Donovan, M. Pelling, C. Nahmias
[ full text in HTML ]
  Échographie • Ultrasonography
266 Role of transrectal ultrasonography in evaluating the cause of azoospermia
N.A. Yassa, S. Keesara
[ abstract / résumé in HTML ]
  Coin des résidents • Residents' Corner
269 Answer to case of the month #83
Askin tumour of the chest wall
V. Khoury, M.J. Mitchell
272 Case of the month #84
M.A. Matzinger, G. Filler, H. Dunlap, V. Briggs, L. Sly, K. Udjus

© 2001 Association canadienne des radiologistes