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Clinical and Investigative Medicne

Revue officielle de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques
Official Journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation

Août / octobre 1998 · August / October 1998

Clin Invest Med 1998;21(4/5)

© 1998 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

  Articles de nouveauté en recherche · Original Articles
172 Enhanced lipolysis in normal mice expressing liver-derived human lipoprotein lipase after adenoviral gene transfer G. Liu, K.J.D. Ashbourne Excoffon, J.E. Wilson, B.M. McManus, L. Miao, P. Benoit, N. Duverger, D. Branellec, P. Denefle, M.R. Hayden, M.E.S. Lewis [abstract / résumé]
186 Carcinoembryonic antigen in metastatic colorectal cancer C.M. Hamm, C. Cripps [abstract / résumé]
192 Effects of antipyretics on mortality due to influenza B virus in a mouse model of Reye's syndrome J.F.S. Crocker, S.C. Digout, S.H. Lee, K.R. Rozee, K. Renton, C.A. Field, P. Acott, M.G. Murphy [abstract / résumé]
  Article spécial · Special Article
203 Restructuring health services delivery research: a community-based model J.W. Sellors, C. Mitchell [abstract / résumé]
  Éditoriaux · Editorials
209 Antipyretics and Reye's syndrome R.F. Butterworth [full text]
211 Researching the grass roots W.E. Osmun [full text]
  Rapport de congrès · Meeting Report
213 15th Meeting of the European Intestinal Transport Group (EITG-98). May 17-21, 1998, Sundvollen, Norway P.K. Rangachari [full text]