Du pupitre de rédaction From the Editor's Desk |
348 |
Clinical and Investigative Medicine: in this issue
G. Sweeney
[full text in HTML / full text in PDF]
Articles de nouveauté en recherche Original Articles |
350 |
Effect on lipid, complete blood count and blood proteins of a standardized preparation for drawing blood: a randomized controlled trial
N.R.C. Campbell, A.L. Edwards, R. Brant, C. Jones, D. Mitchell
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
355 |
Le virus TT : revue de la littérature
M. Dhenain, A. Boulétreau, F. Bourguignon, I. Poujol, I. Chemin, J. Fabry, P. Vanhems
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
366 |
Diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders: experience of a single institution in the long-term follow-up of discordant cases
I. Sadek, W. Greer, A. Foyle
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF] |
Éditoriaux Editorials |
376 |
Clinical faculty and medical education turmoil in academe
G.E. Price
[full text in PDF] |
379 |
The fall of "clinical research" and the rise of "clinical-practice research"
D.L. Sackett
[full text in PDF] |
Génétique et pratique clinique Clinically Important Genes |
382 |
The hemochromatosis gene
B.F. Leber
[full text in PDF] |
Physiologie appliquée Bedside physiology |
387 |
Hidden rhythms in the heart rate record: a primer on neurocardiology
E.L. Fallen
[full text in PDF] |