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Clinical and Investigative Medicine

octobre October 2001

Clin Invest Med 2001;24(5)

  Articles de nouveauté en recherche • Original Articles
236 Access to elective vascular surgery within the recommended time according to emergency referrals
B. Sobolev, P. Brown, D. Zelt, S. Shortt
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
242 Use of vitamins, minerals and herbs: a survey of patients attending family practice clinics
K.M. Durante, B. Whitmore, C.A. Jones, N.R.C. Campbell
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
  Prix Joe Doupe 2000 pour les jeunes chercheurs • 2000 Joe Doupe Young Investigators' Award
250 Inflammatory bowel disease: lessons from the IL-10 gene-deficient mouse
K.L. Madsen
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
  Article de critique systématique • Review Article
258 Statin myopathies: pathophysiologic and clinical perspectives
S.K. Baker, M.A. Tarnopolsky
[full text in PDF]
  Résumés SCMI/MR • CSIM/RM Abstracts
273 Canadian Society of Internal Medicine, annual scientific meeting abstracts, Oct. 18–20, 2001, Banff, Alta. Hosted by the Rocky Mountain General Internal Medicine Conference
A.B.R. Thomson
[full text in PDF]
  Recension • Book Review
286 Clinical Case Reporting in Evidence Based Medicine. 2nd edition.
[full text in PDF]

© 2001 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association