Nicotine and cotinine in mothers' and infants' hair

Table 2: Neonatal measurements at birth for the 94 neonates participating in the study
Mothers' smoking status; mean measurement (and SD)
MeasureActive smokerPassive smokerNonsmokerp value
Gestational age, wk39 (2)40 (1)40 (1)0.08
Birth weight, g3204 (560)3698 (522)3438 (408)0.002
Birth weight, percentile*48.5 (28.8)67.8 (27.0)52.6 (26.8)0.05
Occipital head circumference, cm34 (2)35 (1)35 (1)0.06
Head circumference, percentile*63.4 (32.0) 70.3 (24.4)75.0 (18.4)0.3
Length, cm50 (3)51 (3)53 (2)0.005
Length, percentile*59.5 (28.9)68.8 (25.6)78.7 (16.1) 0.01
Apgar score at 1 min8 (2)8 (1)8 (1)0.2
Apgar score at 5 min9 (1)9 (0.5)9 (0.1)0.3
*Percentiles are adjusted for gestational age at birth.