Nutrients and intestinal adaptation
Alan B.R. Thomson, MD, PhD
Monika Keelan, PhD
Gary E. Wild, MD, PhD
Clin Invest Med 1996; 19 (5): 331-45.
The authors are members of the Cell and Molecular Biology Collaborative
Network in Gastrointestinal Physiology. Drs. Thomson and Keelan
are with the Nutrition and Metabolism Research Group, Division
of Gastroenterology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., and
Dr. Wild is with the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,
and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University,
Montreal, Que.
Reprint requests to: Dr. Alan B.R. Thomson, Division of Gastroenterology,
University of Alberta, 519 Robert Newton Research Bldg., Edmonton
AB T6G 2C2; tel 403 492-6490, fax 403 492-7964; alan.thomson@ualberta.ca
The authors review the physiological, cellular and molecular aspects
of the patterns, mechanisms and signals of the adaptation of intestinal
transport of sugars and lipids, especially in response to manipulations
of dietary lipid content. In models of intestinal adaptation,
nutrient uptake is enhanced by an up- or down-regulation of the
maximal rate of carrier-mediated transport or by alterations in
the passive permeability properties (Pd) of the intestinal brush
border membrane (BBM). The importance of unstirred water layers
has been demonstrated. Alterations in the Pd for lipid uptake
are due to changes in the lipid content of the BBM, which in turn
are associated with alterations in the activity of lipid-metabolizing
enzymes in the enterocyte microsomal membrane (EMM), and, therefore,
alterations in the lipid composition of the EMM. Lipid uptake
is also mediated by at least two proteins in the BBM, the sodiumhydrogen
exchangers and the membrane-fatty-acid-binding protein. Alterations
in the maximal transport rate for glucose and fructose transporters
are associated with variations in the abundance of their transporters
(including sodium-dependent glucose transporter, glucose and fructose
transporter and fructose transporter) in the basolateral membrane
sodiumpotassium adenosine triphosphatase, and in the abundance
of the messenger RNA of the transporters. Isocaloric changes in
dietary lipids, such as switching from a saturated to a polyunsaturated
diet, within the range seen in human consumption, leads to major
alterations in passive and active transport processes. In a proposed
model, changes in dietary lipids stimulate intracellular second
messengers, modifying gene expression of the transporter carriers
and of the EMM lipid-metabolizing enzymes. Thus, an understanding
of the mechanisms of intestinal adaptation lays the groundwork
for future studies of dietary manipulations. It may also lead
to dietary interventions to prevent unwanted or to enhance desirable
intestinal adaptation, thereby preventing disease.
Les auteurs passent en revue les aspects physiologiques, cellulaires
et moléculaires de l'adaptation intestinale du transport
des sucres et des lipides en réponse aux manipulations
des lipides dans la diète. Dans les modèles d'adaptation
intestinale, la captation des nutriments est accrue soit par modulation
du taux maximal du transport médié par vecteur,
soit par des modifications dans les propriétés de
perméabilité passive de la membrane de la bordure
en brosse intestinale (MBB). L'importance des couches d'eau non
agitées a été démontrée. Les
modifications dans les propriétés de perméabilité
passive pour la captation des lipides sont dues à des changements
dans le contenu lipidique de la MBB. Ces derniers sont associés
à des modifications dans l'activité des enzymes
métabolisant les lipides au niveau de la membrane microsomiale
des entérocytes (MME), et sont donc associés à
des changements dans la composition lipidique de la MME. De plus,
la captation des lipides est médiée par au moins
deux protéines de la MBB : les protéines échangeuses
de sodium et d'hydrogène et la protéine liant les
acides gras membranaires. Des modifications dans le taux maximal
de transport des transporteurs du glucose et du fructose sont
associées à des variations dans l'abondance de ces
transporteurs (y compris le transporteur du glucose dépendant
du sodium, le transporteur du glucose et du fructose, et le transporteur
du fructose) au niveau de l'adénosine triphosphatase échangeuse
de sodium et de potassium dans la membrane basolatérale.
Ces modifications sont également associées à
une variation dans l'abondance de l'ARNm de ces transporteurs.
Les changements iso-caloriques dans les lipides de la diète,
tels que le passage d'acides gras saturés à une
diète en acides gras poly-insaturés, d'une ampleur
comparable à la consommation humaine, conduit à
des changements majeurs dans le transport passif et actif. Il
est proposé que les changements dans les lipides de la
diète induisent des seconds messagers intracellulaires
induisant une modification de l'expression génique des
vecteurs des transporteurs de même que des enzymes métabolisant
les lipides au niveau de la MME. La compréhension des mécanismes
de l'adaptation intestinale prépare donc le terrain à
l'étude future des manipulations diététiques;
de plus, elle conduit au concept d'interventions sur la diète
dans le but de prévenir des maladies, soit en empêchant
une adaptation intestinale indésirable, ou par l'accroissement
d'une adaptation souhaitable.
[Table of contents]
Intestinal adaptation occurs in diverse physiological and pathological
states and is associated with a characteristic array of changes
in structure and function in response to a new set of nutritional
demands. These alterations occur along the length of the villus
and the intestine. They may also occur during the lifetime of
the animal. The changes in intestinal morphology as well as digestive
and transport functions may be physiological, occurring with age
or in response to dietary changes.[1] They may also result from
pathological processes, such as diabetes mellitus, short bowel
syndrome, abdominal irradiation or long-term ethanol intake. Although
adaptation is sometimes potentially detrimental (e.g., in diabetes
mellitus), there are instances in which the adaptive responses
are beneficial (e.g., after resection of the small bowel). In
this case, the adaptation may enhance the survival potential of
the animal, improving nutrition and reducing secretory and malabsorptive
A growing body of experimental evidence assigns a central role
to the presence of food in the intestinal lumen as an important
mediator of intestinal adaptation.[25] The purpose and function
of the regulation of nutrient transport adaptation is to maintain
a safety margin among nutrient intake, uptake and requirements:[6,7]
up-regulation of transporter activity maintains absorptive capacity
at levels modestly above intake, whereas down-regulation saves
biosynthetic energy by eliminating unneeded transport capacity.
It may be possible to change nutrient absorption through dietary
manipulation to achieve a desired therapeutic goal, for example,
by varying macronutrient composition or by adding such "gut
fuels" as glutamine or short-chain fatty acids.
The patterns of adaptation have traditionally been studied primarily
from a physiological and morphological perspective.[8,9] Over
the past decade, the powerful tools of recombinant DNA technology
have been used to characterize the structure and function of a
diverse assortment of transport proteins. This approach has begun
to provide us with an unprecedented view of how intestinal-nutrient
transporters work and with a framework to define the cellular
processes that occur during intestinal adaptation. This review
highlights the evolution that has revolutionized our understanding
of the effects of luminal nutrients on the mechanisms and signals
of the adaptation of intestinal transport of sugars and lipids.
[Table of contents]
The small-bowel mucosa exhibits a tremendous capacity to adapt
to changes in luminal demand. Mucosal hypoplasia develops after
starvation or feeding by parenteral nutrition,[10] whereas hyperplasia
develops in the distal intestinal remnant after partial resection
of the proximal small bowel.[11] Furthermore, small-intestinal
mucosal hyperplasia has been observed during lactation,[12] in
streptozocin-induced diabetes mellitus,[13] and after surgical
diversion of pancreaticobiliary secretions to the distal ileum.[14]
The structural changes that occur in models of intestinal adaptation
are accompanied by adaptation of transport processes. For example,
an earlier study[15] showed that the mucosal hyperplasia that
occurs after partial small-bowel resection is accompanied by increased
absorption of nutrients, water and electrolytes in the intestinal
remnant. In studies of carrier-mediated transport, increased nutrient
uptake usually results from an increase in the maximal transport
rate (Vmax), which may reflect increased carrier activity per
enterocyte or more transporting enterocytes. The Michaelis affinity
constant (Km) is not usually altered in models of adaptation.
The measurement of these kinetic parameters is influenced, however,
by the presence of an intestinal unstirred-water layer (UWL),
and appropriate corrections must be made to obtain valid estimates
of these constants.[16,17]
A genetic regulatory program within the intestine provides developmental
patterns of cell differentiation along the crypt-to-villus axis.
The stem cells are encoded with a specific "positional address"
that allows for appropriate spatial differentiation along the
crypt-to-villus and the duodenal-to-colonic axes in the gut.[18,19]
This reference point may be intrinsic to the stem cell or programmed
by interactions between endodermal and stromal or mesenchymal
The dynamics of cell turnover are key determinants of the state
of cellular differentiation and, consequently, of the number of
phenotypically mature absorptive cells on the villi.[15] The crypt-cell
production rate and the enterocyte migration rate are altered
in various physiological and pathological states, and these changes
in cell dynamics ultimately dictate where along the villus enterocytes
of a specific age express transporter activity.[20] Thus, absorption
may change as a result of an alteration in the number of transporting
enterocytes and not solely as a result of variation in the total
mucosal surface area.
Environmental factors such as diet play an important secondary
modulatory role in determining nutrient-transporter gene expression.
The factors responsible for the down- or up-regulation of transporter
activity in the upper third of the villus are important to know:
about 70% of the uptake of sugars, amino acids and lipids in rats
occurs in the upper 30% of the villus, when enterocytes are about
30 hours old.[21,22] Since the messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of,
for example, sodium-dependent glucose transporter (SGLT1) do not
necessarily parallel this variation in transporter activity,[23]
there may be positional factors influencing this apparent post-transcriptional
control. Furthermore, the elegant studies of Ferraris and Diamond[6,24,25]
suggest that the crypt cells sense the signal for alteration in
sugar transport after a change in the carbohydrate content of
the diet. In regard to dietary lipid changes and the uptake of
amino acids, the signalling process does not appear to influence
the production rate of crypt cells or the position along the villus
or age of the enterocyte when transport is modified as a result
of a change in diet.[21]
The enterocyte transport pool (ETP) comprises the enterocytes
whose brush border membrane (BBM) is actively engaged in nutrient
transport.[26] The effect of an increase in mucosal surface area
on nutrient uptake depends on whether there is a concomitant alteration
in the size of the ETP. Recruitment of enterocytes that express
SGLT1 in diabetic ileum has been described.[27] A small change
in the size of the ETP may result in a large variation in nutrient
transport, even in the absence of large changes in the mucosal
surface area. It is noteworthy that few studies of adaptation
have examined the profile of transporter expression and activity
or the changes in the BBM microenvironment along the crypt-to-villus
axis. In addition, the denominator used in measuring transport
capacity is important: an absorptive mechanism that shows an overall
decline when expressed per unit of weight of intestine may display
a modest increase when expressed per unit of length or of mass
of mucosa, or even a dramatic increase when expressed as total
absorptive capacity.[28]
[Table of contents]
The major roles of the small-intestinal epithelium are providing
vectorial transport (e.g., absorption and secretion) and acting
as a barrier.[29] Sugar and lipid absorption have been covered
in earlier reviews.[2830] Although the paracellular route
contributes to sugar transport, the physiological significance
of this transport pathway has been challenged.[31,32] Novel expression
cloning has led to the molecular characterization of a variety
of nutrient transporters.[33,34] SGLT1 was the first nutrient
transporter to be cloned by this approach. The SGLT1 complementary
DNA (cDNA) obtained by expression cloning encodes a 662-residue
protein (74kD) which is a member of the family of sodium-coupled
organic solute transporters.[33] The junctional complexes between
neighbouring enterocytes and other structural and functional features
associated with passive solute movement through the paracellular
pathway have been reviewed.[28]
The current model of intestinal hexose transport is as follows.
SGLT1 and the sodium-independent fructose carrier (GLUT5) are
located in the BBM of the enterocyte.[3437] These sugars
are then transported across the basolateral membrane (BLM) by
the facilitative hexose transporter (GLUT2).[38] The sodiumpotassium
adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) in the BLM establishes the transcellular
sodium gradient required for the BBM sodium-dependent nutrient
cotransporters such as SGLT1.[39]
Molecular studies have demonstrated two patterns of adaptation:
in one, changes in the activity of BBM digestive enzymes or transporter
proteins are paralleled by alterations in the corresponding level
of mRNA; in the other, there is discordance between protein and
mRNA. SGLT1 expression is greater in the more proximal regions
of the small intestine and parallels the proximal-to-distal gradient
in glucose absorption.[40,41] In most species, SGLT1 mRNA levels
are most abundant in the differentiated midvillus cells, SGLT1
protein appears to be uniformly distributed along the villus,
and only low levels of SGLT1 expression are detected in the BBM
of crypt enterocytes and at the villus tips.[40,42] An exception
appears to be the small intestine of rabbits, in which there are
increases in SGLT1 mRNA abundance and immunodetectable protein
levels as cells migrate toward the villus tips.[43] It is noteworthy
that Smith, Turvey and Freeman[44] demonstrated increased SGLT1
activity along the length of the villus accompanied by relatively
constant levels of SGLT1 mRNA. Freeman and colleagues[39] also
observed high levels of SGLT1 mRNA at the crypt-villus junction.
Taken together, these findings suggest that the discrepancy between
SGLT1 expression and functional activity reflects a post-transcriptional
factor or factors that influence the transporter.
Both GLUT5 and GLUT2 are expressed predominantly in differentiated
villus cells in the proximal regions of the small intestine.[45,46]
The functional expression of GLUT2 and GLUT5 have been defined
in the oocyte system of Xenopus species.[37] The GLUT2
cDNA encodes a 524-residue protein (61kD) with no homology to
SGLT1. The GLUT5 clone codes for a 501-residue protein (50kD)
with 41% amino-acid homology with GLUT2.
In preruminant lambs, BBM glucose transport is highest after birth,
and there is a greater than 100-fold decline in glucose transport
as lambs are weaned from a milk to a grass diet.[47] The developmental
changes in BBM glucose-transport rate in the postnatal intestine
of lambs correlate with alterations in BBM SGLT1 protein but not
with SGLT1 mRNA.[40,48] These findings suggest that the principal
level of SGLT1 regulation is translational or post-translational.
In postnatal rats, increases in glucose and fructose uptake have
been observed,[7] and increases in hexose uptake in rats after
birth are paralleled by similar increases in SGLT1, GLUT2 and
GLUT5 expression.[49,50] Thus, the relative importance of transcriptional
and post-transcriptional events in determining the expression
of these nutrient transporters remains unclear.
In the developmental pattern of sucrase-isomaltase (SI) expression
in postnatal rats, the regulation of SI expression appears to
be transcriptional.[5156] SI and amino-oligopeptidase are
two examples of concordant patterns: studies in rats,[5153]
rabbits[54] and humans[55,56] demonstrate that the increase in
SI enzyme activity is accompanied by a parallel increase in steady-state
levels of SI mRNA, suggesting regulation at a pretranslational
level. There are also examples of discordant patterns: in early
life, a rise in lactase activity is accompanied by an increase
in lactase mRNA, implying transcriptional control, although there
may also be a post-transcriptional component.[57] Indeed, in humans
there appears to be mosaic expression of lactase protein,[58]
and in adult rats lactase mRNA is confined to the lower halves
of the villi, whereas lactase enzyme is present along the full
length of the villi.[59]
Lipid absorption has been reviewed.[6062] The uptake of
lipids is thought to occur largely through a process of passive
diffusion. Cholesterol absorption is a passive, diffusionally-mediated
process from mixed micelles. Cholesterol exists in the BBM in
several kinetically distinct pools,[63] and there is evidence
that cytosolic cholesterol is metabolically compartmentalized.[1]
Intracellular cholesterol is derived from the lumen and from de
novo synthesis; as well, approximately 10% of circulating low-density
lipoprotein is catabolized by the enterocyte after BLM uptake,
and most of this uptake is mediated by a receptor-dependent mechanism.[64]
Distinct BBM-associated proteins may be involved: second-order
reaction kinetics and saturation have been demonstrated with the
use of BBM vesicles, and a 14-kDa protein has been demonstrated
by SDS-Page.[65] Pancreatic cholesterol esterase in the BBM and
enterocyte cytosol also plays a role in the uptake of cholesterol,[66]
as does acylcoenzyme A cholesterol acyltransferase.[1,67,68]
The passive permeation properties of the intestine are influenced
by BBM fluidity and variations in the BBM lipid composition. There
may be a dissociation between the BBM lipid composition and fluidity,
especially if the fluidity of the inner and outer leaflet of the
BBM is not measured separately.[69,70] BBM lipids are synthesized
in the enterocyte microsomal membranes (EMM), and the EMM traffic
to the BBM, where they are inserted. BBM lipid permeation is influenced,
at least in part, by the activity of EMM lipid-metabolizing enzymes,
with alterations in EMM lipids being reflected, at least in part,
by changes in BBM lipids. Because failure to correct for UWL resistance
may lead to an underestimate of the true permeability properties
of the BBM,[16] correlation between changes in BBM fluidity or
lipid composition and lipid permeation must be attempted only
after appropriate corrections for the effect of this diffusion
barrier. In addition, there may be protein-mediated components
of lipid uptake,[71,72] and these must be taken into account when
correlating changes in lipid uptake and BBM lipid composition.
Finally, because lipid uptake is greater in the upper than in
the lower portion of the villus,[22] correlations between EMM
and BBM lipids, and between BBM lipids and lipid uptake, must
be made in enterocytes isolated from similar positions along the
villus, rather than from homogenates of enterocytes isolated from
all portions of the villus.
A fatty-acid-binding protein (FABPpm) has also been identified
in BBM; it influences uptake of long-chain fatty acids and of
cholesterol in isolated intestinal epithelial cells, with in vivo
perfused segments of rat jejunum, with in vitro sheets of intestine
and in BBM vesicles.[71,72] The availability of monoclonal antiserum
and partial peptide sequence should facilitate the cloning of
the FABPpm gene as well as the demonstration of the molecular
basis for its control and potential for adaptation and therefore
modification of lipid uptake.[73]
An amiloride-inhibitable uptake step for fatty acids across the
BBM has been reported.[71] This step is presumably due to the
presence of a BBM sodiumhydrogen exchanger (NHE).[74] Depending
on the presence or absence of a combined sodium and hydrogen gradient
across the BBM, one or another of these protein-mediated steps
may be important in lipid uptake (Fig. 1).
It is not yet known whether the activity of NHE or the abundance
of FABPpm varies when lipid uptake is modified in models of intestinal
adaptation. If this activity or abundance does vary, and if these
proteins are heterogeneously distributed along the villus, then
such findings as the increased lipid uptake in diabetes mellitus
would need to be interpreted on the basis not only of known alterations
in BBM lipid composition[75,76] but also of alterations in the
activity or abundance of these proteins and their corresponding
[Table of contents]
With increasing intake of energy-generating nutrients (such as
glucose and nonessential amino acids), intestinal uptake generally
increases. In contrast, there is a reciprocal relation between
intake and uptake of essential nutrients or toxic substances.
For example, when the intake of iron is low and iron deficiency
develops, intestinal uptake of iron will increase.[77] Switching
from a low- to a high-carbohydrate diet results in alterations
in the crypt cells, and, after a lag period of 2 to 3 days (representing
the enterocyte migration rate), glucose uptake will increase.[2,3,25]
These carbohydrate-associated alterations in transport do not
require metabolism of the sugar.
Diet plays an important role in the regulation of intestinal transport
in early[78] as well as later life.[79,80] Although the intestine
responds to alterations in the nutrients in the lumen, nutrient
absorption is generally considered to be genetically programmed
or "hard-wired," and early changes in the composition
of the animal's diet may have lasting effects in later life.[76,79,80]
Changing the lipids in the mother's diet modifies the absorption
characteristics of the intestine of suckling rats.[81] Diet plays
a role in determining total and specific maximal activity levels;
it also plays a modulating role in the maturation of the longitudinal
pattern of, for example, expression of the lactase gene.[82] However,
there is less dietary regulation of intestinal nutrient absorption
in aging animals than in younger animals.[83] The mechanism of
impaired adaptation to diet in older animals is unknown.
In adult rats, intestinal nutrient transporters are adaptively
regulated by the dietary level of their substrates.[6] Some studies
have examined the differential responses of intestinal hexose
transporters to levels of dietary sugars. For example, a high-glucose
diet stimulates glucose transport activity and increases the levels
of SGLT1 and GLUT2 expression.[8486] By contrast, GLUT5
expression is increased only by fructose and galactose, and fructose
also increases GLUT2 expression.[84,85] The increases in GLUT5
expression after eating fructose appear to be due primarily to
post-transcriptional mechanisms.[86] In the case of amino acids,
consumption of a high-protein diet increases the Vmax for the
uptake of amino acids, with relatively greater changes in the
Vmax for the uptake of essential than of nonessential amino acids.
Aspartate, valine, lysine and glutamine induce their own transport.[86-89]
However, amino acids do not necessarily regulate their own transport.
For example, the dipolar amino acids glutamine and valine induce
the transport of acidic amino acids;[86] the acidic amino acid
aspartate is the best inducer of cationic amino-acid transport,
and the cationic amino acid arginine (but not lysine) is a good
inducer of acidic amino-acid transport.[88]
Changing the quality of dietary lipids by substituting one type
of lipid for another has demonstrated that intestinal transport
is modified by the ratio of saturated to polyunsaturated fatty
acids, the ratio of n6 to n3 fatty acids and the presence of cholesterol
in the diet.[76,77,90] Intake of isocaloric diets supplemented
with saturated, rather than polyunsaturated, fatty acids up-regulates
the intestinal absorption of sugars and lipids,[91] and the nature
and extent of this effect is influenced by the type of lipid in
the diet.[92,93] This phenomenon of the dietary lipid modulation
of intestinal transport may be used to achieve a desired therapeutic
aim, such as enhancing nutrient uptake in the remaining intestine
after small-bowel resection, preventing malabsorption of nutrients
caused by long-term ethanol ingestion or abdominal irradiation,
or reducing the undesired hyperabsorption of nutrients in diabetes
mellitus (and thereby diminishing the associated hyperlipidemia
and normalizing the serum concentration of hemoglobin A1C).[9496]
Furthermore, dietary lipid changes modify the ontogeny of the
intestine. In this regard, a "critical period" phenomenon
and a late effect of early nutrition have been shown;[62,79,80,97,98]
it is important to note that modifying the lipid content of a
nursing dam's diet alters nutrient transport in her suckling offspring.[81]
Variations in the type of lipids in the diet influence the abundance
of SGLT1 and its mRNA,[99] which implies an effect on genetic
expression. Absorbed fatty acids also act as substrates for the
intracellular metabolism of lipids, and the modification of lipid
metabolic-enzyme activities through diet alters the composition
of the EMMs.[90] These EMM lipids traffic to the BBM and to the
BLM. It is believed that these lipids are modified between the
times they are inserted into the EMM and into the BBM, since the
diet-associated changes in EMM lipids are not reflected exactly
by the changes in the BBM lipids (Monika Keelan and associates:
unpublished observations, 1996). In other tissues, deacylationreacylation
enzymes modify the composition of membrane phospholipid fatty
acids, but it is not known whether this is the case in the intestine.
In addition, phosphatidylethanolamine methyl transferase is present
in the BBM[69,92] and may influence postmicrosomal modification
of BBM lipids.
Before the importance of the role of FABPpm and NHE in the BBM
was appreciated,[71,72] it was assumed that any alteration in
lipid uptake was due to a modification in the lipophilic properties
in the BBM, reflected by variations in BBM lipids. However, an
important portion of lipid uptake (about 40%, depending upon the
experimental conditions) may be influenced by NHE or FABPpm,[71,72]
and lipid uptake varies along the length of the villus.[22] Therefore,
attempts to link alterations in the BBM lipids with lipid uptake
must involve collection of enterocytes from along the villus and
determination of the proportion of total lipid uptake that is
passive and can therefore be correlated with BBM lipid content.
The dietary lipid-associated changes in sugar uptake are due to
alterations in the Vmax of the sugar carriers[79,100102]
as well as to altered expression of the carriers and their respective
mRNA.[99] In diabetes mellitus, the adaptation of sugar transport
is achieved by both transcriptional and post-transcriptional means.[42]
The signalling of changes in dietary carbohydrates is thought
to be read in the intestinal crypt cells.[2,3,25] It is therefore
important to establish whether the dietary lipid-associated alterations
in nutrient uptake occur in just the crypt cells or also in enterocytes
from along the length of the villus.
Most uptake of sugars and amino acids occurs from the upper quarter
to the upper third of the villus.[21,22] Therefore, attempts to
demonstrate concordance or disconcordance among transporter activity,
expression of protein, and mRNA levels of abundance must correlate
these components in enterocytes taken from different positions
along the villus. Thus, the signals for genetic regulation and
post-translational control of carrier activity must also be searched
for in the corresponding enterocyte fraction. Furthermore, lipid
uptake is greater from the upper than from the lower portions
of the villus.[22] Hence, the same villus segment must be used
in attempts to explain adaptation of lipid uptake achieved through
a modification in the lipophilic properties of the BBM. Similarly,
studies to explain BBM lipid changes as a function of alterations
in the activities of lipid metabolic enzymes in the BBM itself
must be performed in the appropriate villus segment. Although
isocaloric changes in diet do not modify BBM cholesterol or phospholipids,[102]
it is not known whether these changes alter the BBM phospholipid
fatty acids or free fatty acids, and there have been no studies
that have specifically examined the transporting enterocytes in
the upper third of the villus.
[Table of contents]
The process or processes by which the stimulus delivered at the
cell membrane by dietary changes results in gene transcription
likely involve the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a
variety of enzymes involved in intracellular signalling.[103,104]
Phosphorylation of protein kinases occurs at serine, threonine
or tyrosine residues. Protein kinase A (PKA) is activated by the
catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase. Signals that increase
intracellular cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activate
cAMP.[105,106] Protein kinase C (PKC) is activated by calcium
released from intracellular stores and by the phospholipid diacylglycerol.[107]
Phospholipase C catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol
to diacylglycerol. PKC is activated by the increases in diacylglycerol
generated during hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate.
The removal of phosphate groups by sequence-specific phosphatases
is an additional mechanism by which the transcriptional activity
of DNA-binding proteins may be altered.[104]
In addition to functioning as metabolic substrates and constituents
of complex lipids, including membrane lipids, long-chain fatty
acids have been recognized as mediators in signal-transduction
pathways.[108] For example, arachidonic acid is a second messenger
of certain G-protein-mediated cellular receptors, and palmitic
and oleic acids (important dietary lipids) regulate gene expression
at the transcriptional level.[109,110] The fatty-acid-induced
effects are reversible upon removal of the effector and do not
require metabolism of the fatty acid.[111] In addition, long-chain
fatty acids act as signals in the induction of liver, fatty-acid-binding
protein, peroxisomal b-oxidation and cytochrome P450 4A1.[112,113]
This modulation of gene expression by fatty acids may be mediated
by ligand-activated transcription factors.[114] Extracelluar and
intracellular diet-induced regulation of gene expression in the
pancreas has been reviewed.[115] It is unclear how these second
messengers alter gene expression, but it is reasonable to speculate
that dietary lipids influence the expression of transporter proteins
and the enzymes responsible for lipid metabolism by altering some
of the second messengers.
At the cellular level, both the direct and indirect mitogenic
effects of nutrients appear to be mediated by the induction of
ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity.[116] The importance of
ODC and the polyamines is underscored by the finding that their
levels increase with the cell proliferation that occurs in a variety
of models of intestinal adaptation.[117] ODC is the key enzyme
in the biosynthesis of the polyamines, which bind to nucleic acids,
modify growth-regulating genes and stabilize membranes.[118] Polyamines
regulate membrane-based enzymes, transport of ions and metabolites,
calcium homeostasis, polyphosphoinositide metabolism, PKC, phospholipids
and membrane fusion. As well, polyamines regulate growth-related
genes such as c-myc, c-fos and H2A.[119,120]
Important growth factors in the gastrointestinal tract include
members of the following families: epidermal growth factor, transforming
growth factor b, insulin-like growth factor and fibroblast growth
factor.[121,122] Additional families of peptides, generally classified
on the basis of non-growth-related activities, including the cytokines
and colony-stimulating factors, may also play a role in modifying
the functional activities of the BBM. Many of these growth factors
have been shown to stimulate ODC activity, and their mitogenic
effects may be mediated through the actions of polyamines.[123]
Most receptors for peptide growth factors in the gastrointestinal
tract possess intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity related to their
intracellular domains.[122,124] Activation of this activity within
the intracellular domain of the membrane receptor leads to phosphorylation
of a wide variety of substrates, many of which are phosphokinases,
including MAP and Raf kinases.[124] Growth factors modulate cellular
proliferation and phenotype through the alteration of various
genes.[125] Growth factor receptors may be coupled with a variety
of secondary intracellular-messenger signalling systems, including
adenyl cyclase-generated cAMP, G-coupled cyclic guanine monophosphate
(cGMP), the products of the phospholipase C-phosphatidylinositol
pathways (including diacylglycerol and phosphinositides) closely
integrated with intracellular calcium, and the products of PKC.[124,126,127]
Alteration in the expression of the nuclear transcriptional factors
(e.g., fos and myc) appears to be involved in the
induction or suppression of transcription of many genes required
for cellular growth and proliferation.[124] This induction or
suppression may play a central role in the adaptation of nutrient
Transcriptional control elements have a critical function in modulating
the expression of various genes, but the mechanisms of their action
are not yet defined.[128] All genes are not transcribed concurrently,
indicating that the cell has mechanisms for "silencing"
some genes in response to extracelluar stimuli. The mechanisms
for repressing genes may be general or sequence-specific[129]
and may allow certain cellular functions to proceed unchecked.
Thus, positive and negative regulators may interact, as they do
during cellular proliferation and differentiation.[130] Many of
the mechanisms in which transcription factors are transactivated
involve protein dephosphorylation and phosphorylation by protein
kinases.[104] The precise mechanisms of transcriptional activation
are unknown. It appears that most cells respond to their environment
by recruiting subsets of ubiquitous and promoter-specific transcription
factors that synergistically produce the desired cellular phenotype.[128,131]
Post-translational processing of proteins, such as originally
described with proinsulin, may occur.[132] After completion of
protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, glycosylation,
phosphorylation and sulfation may occur in the Golgi apparatus.[133]
Transport vesicles have an outer coat of protein (coatamer). The
fungal metabolite brefeldin A (BFA) blocks protein transport through
the Golgi stack as well as binding of the coatamer complex to
budding Golgi membranes.[134,135] As an example, BFA interferes
with the post-translational processing of progastrin, which suggests
that this pathway is involved in the sorting of prohormones as
well as other soluble secretory proteins.[136] The primary amino-acid
sequence of SGLT1 contains the crucial information required to
target this transporter to the apical membrane domain.[118] GLUT2
cell-surface expression and intracellular transport have been
examined in pancreatic b cells.[137] The data obtained from these
studies demonstrate that, at least in this cell type, GLUT2 surface
expression occurs via the constitutive pathway of protein secretion,[133]
its transport can be blocked by BFA, and, once delivered to the
cell surface, GLUT2 does not recycle in intracellular vesicles.[137]
Whether BFA modifies the movement of transport proteins to the
BBM or affects the trafficking of lipids destined for insertion
into the BBM in the enterocyte remains to be defined.
Fatty acylation, usually with either myristic or palmitic acid,
is a common mechanism for the post-translational modification
of proteins[138] and may play a role in membrane targeting.[139]
PKC is a candidate for the kinase-mediating PP1-linked receptor
phosphorylation and desensitization. PKC is activated by the increases
in diacylglycerol generated during the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol
4,5-biphosphate.[140] However, it is unknown whether the diet-induced
changes in transcriptional and post-translational processing of
transport proteins are mediated by that means.
[Table of contents]
We propose a model of the control of intestinal adaptation in
response to dietary lipid manipulations (Fig. 2).
This model is also applicable to the testing of other examples
of intestinal adaptation, such as that which occurs in diabetes
mellitus or after bowel resection. In this model the following
steps are proposed: (1) dietary lipids act as signals to release
second messengers (such as ODC activity, intracellular calcium,
phospholipase C, phosphyatidylinositol or PKC) that modify the
genetic regulation of the expression of the mRNA for the BBM and
BLM carrier proteins and modify the EMM lipid metabolic enzymes;
(2) dietary lipids also act as substrate for the diet-associated
changes in EMM lipid metabolic enzymes, which modify the EMM content
of lipids available for trafficking to the BBM and the BLM; (3)
the partial dissociation between diet-associated changes in EMM
and in BBM and BLM lipids is due to postmicrosomal modification
of EMM lipids by lipid metabolic enzymes in the BBM and by variations
along the villus in the diet-associated changes in EMM and in
BBM and BLM lipids; (4) the partial dissociation between diet-associated
changes in lipid uptake and BBM lipids is due to the contribution
of NHE and FABPpm to the total uptake of lipids and to the variable
expression of those proteins along the villus; (5) there is post-transcriptional
modulation of the sugar carriers in the Golgi apparatus as well
as of the BBM and BLM composition of lipids; and (6) the diet-associated
changes in sugar uptake necessarily modify the activity of BLM
sodiumpotassium ATPase, and the diet-associated alterations
in lipid uptake modify the activity of NHE in the BBM, which further
influences the required regulation of sodiumpotassium ATPase.
[Table of contents]
The authors would like to thank Chandra Messier for typing the
manuscript. The publication of this article was supported in part
by a grant from the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec.
We would like to thank Proctor & Gamble, Inc., for its sponsorship
of the invited speakers' program.
[Table of contents]
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