Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis C virus

Table 4: Alanine aminotransferase levels in infants with HCV infection
Alanine aminotransferase level
StudyNo. of infants with infectionNo. with normal levelNo. with abnormal level
(peak level, IU/L, and age, mo)
Westal et al15101 (2.4 ukat/L,* 7-27)
Ohto et al17716 (119, 11)
(500, 1-12)
(65, 4-14)
(359, 5-13)
(86, ?-12)
(53, ?-12)
Nagata et al18101 (323, 2-40)
Ercilla et al2012#27 (NA&, 4-8)
2 (NA, 11-18)
1 (NA, NA)
Chang et al24321 (135, 24-36)
Inoue et al29101 (250, 4-10)
*Normal, < 0.7 ukat/L.
#Eight infants had chronic hepatitis C, 1 had self-limited hepatitis and 1 had acute hepatitis.
&NA = not available.

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