Carbohydrate intolerance in pregnancy: incidence and neonatal outcomes

Table 2: Incidence of carbohydrate intolerance
 No. (and %) of women
Diagnosis or result Hôpital Sainte-Justine
n = 928
Hôpital Maisonneuve-
n = 404
Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-
n = 100
n = 1432
No diagnosis 233  (25.1) 117  (29.0) 8  (8.0) 358  (25.0)
Normal result of glucose challenge test* 466  (67.1) 154  (53.7) 49  (53.3) 669  (62.3)
Abnormal result of glucose challenge test and normal result of oral glucose tolerance test* 120  (17.3) 90  (31.4) 25  (27.2) 235  (21.9)
Abnormal result of glucose challenge test and of oral glucose intolerance test* 
   Glucose intolerance 39  (5.6) 23  (8.0) 10  (10.9) 72  (6.7)
   Gestational diabetes mellitus 70  (10.1) 20  (7.0) 8  (8.7) 98  (9.1)
*Denominator for percentage calculations is the number of women tested in each institution.

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