Carbohydrate intolerance in pregnancy: incidence and neonatal outcomes

Table 4: Data from glucose challenge test and oral glucose tolerance test
 Group; mean  (and SD), unless otherwise stated
Test data Controls Treated Not treated
Glucose challenge test
Gestational age at time of test, wk 26.0  (1.6) 26.2  (1.7) 26.2  (1.9)
Glucose level, mmol/L
  Patients at Hôpital Sainte-Justine 7.5  (1.3) 10.2*  (0.9) 9.6*#  (0.9)
  Patients at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
   and Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-Noranda
6.5  (1.1) 9.4*  (1.1) 8.9*##  (1.2)
Oral glucose tolerance test
Gestational age at time of test, wk 27.5  (2.9) 27.8  ( 3.1) 27.2  (3.5)
Fasting glucose level, mmol/L
  Patients at Hôpital Sainte-Justine 4.8  (0.4) 5.2*  (0.5) 4.9  (0.5)§
  Patients at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
   and Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-Noranda
4.6  (0.4) 5.0*  (0.7) 4.4§  (0.3)
Glucose level at 1 h, mmol/L
  Patients at Hôpital Sainte-Justine 9.4  (1.0) 11.9*  (1.0) 11.2*##  (1.3)
  Patients at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
   and Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-Noranda
8.2  (1.5) 11.0*  (1.6) 10.2*  (1.4)
Glucose level at 2 h, mmol/L
  Patients at Hôpital Sainte-Justine 7.5  (1.0) 9.3*  (1.3) 8.8*  (1.4)
  Patients at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
   and Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-Noranda
6.7  (1.2) 9.4*  (1.3) 8.5*  (1.5)
Glucose level at 3 h, mmol/L
  Patients at Hôpital Sainte-Justine 5.7  (1.3) 7.0*  (1.3) 6.7*  (1.5)
  Patients at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
   and Centre hospitalier de Rouyn-Noranda
5.4  (1.3) 6.6*  (1.7) 6.7  (1.6)
No.  (and %) of patients with abnormal results
  1 abnormal result -- 38  (31.7) 38#  (76.0)
  >=2 abnormal results -- 82  (68.3) 12  (24.0)
*p < 0.001 compared with controls.
#p < 0.001 compared with women who were treated.
##p < 0.05 compared with women who were treated.
§p < 0.01 compared with women who were treated.
||p < 0.01 compared with controls.

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