Lactose handling by women with lactose malabsorption is improved during pregnancy

Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of 33 women recruited for breath and blood testing while pregnant
Characteristic Measure
Mean age, yr (and standard error of the mean [SEM]) 30.4 (0.7)
Mean gestational age, wk (and SEM) 29.1 (3.3)
Ethnic background, % of sample
  Asian- or African-American 33.3
  Jewish Mediterranean 30.0
  Northern European or North American 36.6
Gravidity, no. of women recruited
  Gravida 1 9
  Gravida 2 8
  Gravida 3 14
  Gravida 4 1
  Gravida 5 1
Result of test for lactose breath hydrogen concentration*
  Positive 18
  Negative 12
*One woman did not undergo lactose breath hydrogen testing but did undergo testing for oral-cecal transit time, and two women did not produce hydrogen.

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