Clin Invest Med 1996; 19 (6): 444-52.
(Original manuscript submitted Feb. 6, 1996; received in revised form May 3, 1996; accepted June 10, 1996)
Paper reprints may be obtained from: Dr. Douglas G. Matsell, 2230800 Commissioner's Rd. E, Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, London ON N6C 2V5; fax 519 685-8156;
Design: Animal study.
Animals: Seven fetal lambs, and other lambs of the same gestational age as controls.
Interventions: Unilateral ureteral ligation on fetal lambs at approximately 70 days' gestation (term for sheep is 145 days), during nephrogenesis. Kidneys were subsequently collected, examined histologically and characterized by immunohistochemical tests involving cytokeratin antiserum and a monoclonal antibody to alpha-actin.
Outcome measures: Histologic changes in ligated fetal lamb kidneys, based on comparison with normal fetal lamb kidneys.
Results: At near term (140 days' gestation), the ligated kidney showed distorted and less abundant renal parenchyma than a normal control kidney. Upon microscopic examination, the ligated kidney displayed marked architectural distortion of the outer cortex, with abundant interstitial fibrosis, primitive ductules and glomeruli, and cysts of varying sizes lined by squamous and cuboidal epithelia and surrounded by a loose mesenchyme. The renal medulla contained differentiated collecting ducts, which were structurally distorted and less abundant than in normal control kidneys. The proximal and distal tubule elements were primitive and markedly underdeveloped. Cytokeratin immunoreactivity was present in the collecting duct epithelium and in the cuboidal epithelium lining many of the cortical cysts. Smooth muscle alpha-actin immunoreactivity was localized in the cortical region of the kidney, which highlighted the abundance and disorganization of the undifferentiated mesenchyme and identified the fibromuscular collars of the primitive ductules of the cortex and the distorted collecting ducts of the medulla.
Conclusions: These results highlight the histologic changes resulting from unilateral ureteral ligation in fetal lambs. This model is useful in the study of the pathogenesis of fetal obstructive renal dysplasia.
Devis : Étude animale.
Sujets : Sept foetus d'agneaux; d'autres agneaux du même âge gestationnel servaient de témoins.
Interventions : Une ligature urétérale unilatérale fut pratiquée à environ 70 jours de gestation durant la néphrogénèse (la durée de la gestation est de 145 jours chez le mouton). Par la suite, les reins furent prélevés et examinés histologiquement. Un examen immuno-histochimique fut aussi pratiqué avec un anticorps polyclonal anti-cytokératine ainsi qu'un anticorps monoclonal anti-a-actine.
Variables mesurées : Changements histologiques au niveau des reins ligaturés en comparaison avec les reins normaux (non ligaturés).
Résultats : À 140 jours de gestation, les reins ligaturés démontraient un parenchyme rénal déformé et moins abondant que les reins-témoins. L'examen microscopique révélait dans le rein ligaturé une distorsion marquée de l'architecture corticale avec fibrose interstitielle abondante, canaux et glomérules primitifs, de même que la présence de kystes de dimensions variables tapissés d'un épithélium pavimenteux et cubique et entourés d'un mésenchyme lâche. La partie médullaire du rein contenait des tubes collecteurs différenciés à l'architecture déformée et moins abondants que les reins-témoins. Les composantes des tubules proximaux et distaux étaient primitives et très sous-développées. La cytokératine était présente dans l'épithélium des tubes collecteurs et dans l'épithélium cuboïde tapissant de nombreux kystes corticaux. L'anticorps monoclonal démontra la présence d'a-actine du muscle lisse dans la région rénale corticale, soulignant l'abondance et la désorganisation du mésenchyme indifférencié et permettant l'identification des collets fibro-musculaires des canaux corticaux primitifs et les tubes collecteurs médullaires déformés.
Conclusion : Ces résultats mettent en relief les changements histologiques résultant de la ligature urétérale unilatérale chez le foetus d'agneau. Ce modèle est utile dans l'étude de la pathogénèse de la dysplasie rénale foetale d'origine obstructive.
The sheep model of fetal unilateral ureteral ligation allows us to study renal dysplasia during normal mid- and late-gestation nephrogenesis, a period which cannot be studied in humans.[6] The fetal sheep kidney accurately represents human nephrogenesis: active induction of the undifferentiated metanephric blastema occurs as late as 70 days' gestation in fetal lambs, equivalent to approximately 20 weeks' gestation in human fetuses. The fetal sheep model also provides a system in which normal nephrogenesis can be altered and the effects of these alterations studied through to the development of dysplasia. In addition, extensive literature demonstrates that fetal sheep are a representative model for normal and abnormal fetal growth and development.[7,8]
We demonstrated the histopathologic changes that occur in the kidney as a result of in utero ureteral obstruction and, through the use of immunohistochemical techniques, highlighted the marked cystic, dysplastic and interstitial changes.
Both kidneys with ligated ureters had marked dilatation of the proximal ureter and renal pelvis. The kidneys appeared misshapen, with a pale capsule and a thin nodular rim of pale cortex. The contralateral kidney in both cases was larger than normal kidneys of fetal sheep of similar gestational age (24.0 g, standard deviation 2.8 g, in the two kidneys of experimental animals, v. 14.7 g, standard deviation 1.6 g, in the eight kidneys of control animals), a finding that suggests hypertrophy. The surgically manipulated fetal sheep appeared to have developed normally in all other respects. In addition, the amniotic fluid volume appeared qualitatively normal at postmortem.
At 140 days' gestation, which approximates term, the normal fetal sheep kidney was fully developed (Fig. 2, A). The nephrogenic zone had completely differentiated, and the metanephric blastema cells, inducing ureteric duct and S-shape nephrons, were no longer identifiable. Maturing glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules, loop of Henle and collecting duct were present. In addition, even under low magnification, the cortex and medulla of the kidney had become distinct. Within the medulla there was a well-developed papilla, collecting duct system and vasa recta (Fig. 2, B).
In the obstructed kidneys, the gross reniform shape was maintained; however, there was marked parenchymal and architectural disorganization. The outer cortex was disrupted by cysts and an overly abundant mesenchyme (Fig. 2, C). Although the exact origin of the cysts was not ascertained, there appeared to be at least two types of cysts. Subcapsular cysts, lined by a flattened cuboidal epithelium and displaying strong cytokeratin immunoreactivity, were adjacent to and likely derived from the collecting duct. In addition, cystic glomeruli were identified. Specific segments of the renal cortex showed classic cystic dysplasia, with dilated primitive ductules surrounded by fibromuscular collars, primitive glomeruli and abundant disorganized interstitial mesenchyme. As in obstructive renal dysplasia in humans, the medulla of the obstructed kidney of a fetal sheep at term was remarkably underdeveloped, with rudimentary medullary pyramids, few and less developed ducts, loops of Henle and vasa recta, and an excess of connective tissue (Fig. 2, D). There was no identifiable ectopic cartilage.
In the kidney of normal fetal sheep of 140 days' gestation, smooth muscle alpha-actin immunoreactivity (SMA-IR) was present in the renal capsule, in the smooth muscle walls of the intrarenal vessels and in the mesangial areas of the maturing glomeruli (Fig. 3, A). SMA-IR was absent from the normal medulla (Fig. 3, B). In kidneys of normal human fetuses of correspondingly younger gestational age, SMA-IR also present in the undifferentiated metanephric blastema and renal mesenchyme.[8,11] In the obstructed kidneys of fetuses of 140 days' gestation there was marked distortion in the distribution of SMA-IR (Fig. 3, C). SMA-IR appeared in the abnormally distributed vascular smooth muscle and, more dramatically, in the fibromuscular collars of the cysts and dilated collecting ducts, in the cortical and the medullary regions (Fig. 3, D).
In the kidney from a normal fetal sheep of 140 days' gestation, cytokeratin immunoreactivity (CK-IR) was localized most prominently to the differentiated epithelium of the collecting duct, with less intense staining in Bowman's capsule, proximal tubule and loop of Henle (Figs. 4, A and B). In the obstructed kidney, there was intense CK-IR in the epithelia of most but not all cysts (Fig. 4, C). The epithelia of the cysts derived from Bowman's capsule lacked CK-IR. In the medulla of the obstructed kidney, the underdeveloped collecting system was noted, and CK-IR was also present in the collecting duct and loop of Henle epithelia (Fig. 4, D).
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In this study we characterized the histologic and immunohistochemical features of renal dysplasia in the fetal sheep model of mid-gestation ureteral obstruction. Histologic examination showed that the obstructed kidneys develop cortical cysts in the nephrogenic zone; these cysts appear to be derived from dilated collecting ducts and Bowman's space. In humans, obstructive renal dysplasia most commonly results from bladder outlet obstruction, as seen in children with posterior urethral valves. The degree of dysplasia is related to the severity of obstruction, and, therefore, the severity of disease varies widely.
Our model likely does not fully represent the most severe forms of human obstructive renal dysplasia or multicystic renal dysplasia, given that the obstruction began mid-gestation and that consequent parenchymal disruption was patchy. Yet many of the changes we observed, including cystic dilatation of the tubules, pericystic fibromuscular reaction, abundant and disorganized interstitial connective tissue and underdevelopment of the renal medulla, are characteristics of both of the disorders seen in humans, although more typical of obstructive renal dysplasia.[12,13]
Normal kidney development in humans begins at approximately 6 weeks' gestation and continues to 36 weeks' gestation; thereafter, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of existing nephrons account for renal growth.[14] Renal development involves the induction of the undifferentiated metanephric ridge by the migrating ureteric duct. This induction represents a complex, intricate and poorly understood interaction between a differentiated epithelium and an undifferentiated mesenchyme.[15,16] In transgenic models of mouse kidney development, an alteration in the genes responsible for the branching morphogenesis of the inducing ureteric duct results in significant renal abnormalities, including changes similar to cystic renal dysplasia.[17,18]
Classic theories concerning the etiology of human multicystic renal dysplasia have included obstruction of urinary flow early in renal development.[19] This theory has been supported by the clinical observation of associated urinary tract abnormalities in children with cystic renal dysplasia, including ureteric atresia and bladder outflow obstruction.[20] Apart from the model of ureteric obstruction in fetal sheep, no animal model has successfully reproduced the elements of renal dysplasia. The success we had with fetal sheep is likely due to their relatively long gestation and their extended period of renal development. Ureteric obstruction in later fetal gestation fails to create renal dysplasia and results instead in simple hydronephrosis.[21]
This model of fetal urinary obstruction has been used to study in utero intervention in fetuses with hydronephrosis.[6] In this study we have defined the marked histopathologic changes that occur as a result of obstructive injury. If the pathogenesis of obstructive cystic renal dysplasia involves an insult early in nephrogenesis, then early relief of the obstruction is needed to prevent these irreversible histopathologic changes. However, timely surgical repair will remain a practical limitation of in utero intervention. In addition, it will be important to define the factors affecting the significant cystic epithelial changes as well as the marked interstitial reaction we found. This model should provide an important means to study the pathogenesis of renal dysplasia. It may also suggest alternative in utero interventions that make the best use of existing functioning kidney tissue and prevent further interstitial and mesenchymal disruption.
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This work was supported by grants from the Kidney Foundation of Canada, St. Joseph's Hospital Research Trust Fund, (D.G.M.) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (A.D.B.).
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