Patterns of geographic mobility of persons with AIDS in Canada from time of AIDS index diagnosis to death

Table 3: Comparison of 5755 linked ACRSS cases* with respect to a change in residence during the period between AIDS index diagnosis and death, by geographic region and community size
 Changed province of residence during the period between diagnosis and death; no. (and %) of cases  
Place of residence at AIDS diagnosisYes
n = 160
n = 5206
p value
British Columbia 33 (20.6) 985(18.9)0.66
Ontario 44 (27.5)2174 (41.8) < 0.001
Quebec 41 (25.6)1549 (29.8) 0.299
Rest of Canada 42 (26.3) 41 (25.6)< 0.001
Community size, population   0.0247
> 500 000 130 (81.3)4348 (83.5)  
100 000-499 000 8 (5.0)425 (8.2)  
< 100 000 22 (13.8)433 (8.3)  
*Restricted to the 5366 cases for which the geographic region or community size at the time of AIDS diagnosis was known; excludes cases with missing information.

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| CIM: April 1997 (vol 20, no 2) / MCE : avril 1997 (vol 20, no 2) |
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