Current trends in HIV-related hospital admissions and their impact on hospital resource utilization in Ontario

Table 1: Data on HIV cases admitted to the Wellesley Hospital, fiscal years 1990-91 to 1992-93
 HIV­associated risk behaviour, % of cases
Fiscal year No. of discharges No. of charts reviewed Male, % Mortality rate, % ALOS,* days Homosexual or bisexual contact IVDU† Blood transfusion Other Not available More than 1 risk factor
1990-91 136130988 16865068 5
1991-92 2042009715 1381141158 19
1992-93 2472469814 11651011221 9
*ALOS = average length of stay.
†IVDU = intravenous drug use.

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| CIM: April 1997 (vol 20, no 2) / MCE : avril 1997 (vol 20, no 2) |
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