Current trends in HIV-related hospital admissions and their impact on hospital resource utilization in Ontario

Table 2: Annual HIV­related primary diagnosis necessitating admission to the Wellesley Hospital (none of the changes over time were significant)
DiagnosisFiscal year; no. (and %) of total discharges
n = 119
n = 150
n = 130
n = 200
n = 246
All infections 85 (71) 92 (61)96 (74)129 (65)171 (70)
Respiratory infections  
  PCP† 38 (32)25 (17) 36 (28)47 (24)45 (18)
  Other 20 (17)17 (11) 17 (13)20 (10)41 (17)
  Total 58 (49)42 (28) 53 (41)67 (34)86 (35)
Nonrespiratory infections 27 (23) 50 (33)43 (33)62 (31)85 (35)
Neoplasms 11 (9)14 (9) 4 (3)23 (12)11 (4)
Other 23 (19)44 (29) 30 (23)48 (24)64 (26)
*1988-89 was before and 1989-90 was after the introduction of aerosol pentamidine for prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Data for these years were collected by Chien and associates.[9]
†PCP = Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

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