Factors influencing the estimation of the albumin excretion rate in subjects with diabetes mellitus

Table 3: Results of regression models to estimate albumin excretion rate (AER)
  Model; coefficient (and standard error of the mean)
Variable or value Simple albuminB creatinine ratio Fitted albuminB creatinine ratio Fitted albumin and creatinine Complete fitted
Constant 2.8197 (0.0078)2.7127 (0.0192) 1.8029 (0.0468)1.0496 (0.1282)
Log (albumin), mg/dL 1 0.9332 (0.0110) 1.0233 (0.0105) 1.0100 (0.0098)
Log (creatinine), mg/dL -1-0.9332 (0.0110) -0.4558 (0.0249) -0.5795 (0.0312)
Sex (male = 0, female = 1) 0 0 0 -0.1225 (0.0131)
Log (weight), kg 0 0 0 0.5480 (0.0592)
Insulin (use = 0, nonuse = 1) 0 0 0 -0.1555 (0.0869)
Interaction variable 0 0 0 0.0956 (0.0465)
Degrees of freedom 1285 1284 1283 1279
F statistic   35.52 511.87 61.55
p value  < 0.0001 < 0.0001< 0.0001

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| CIM: June 1997 (vol 20, no 3) / MCE : juin 1997 (vol 20, no 3) |

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