Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Canadians of South Asian and European origin: a pilot study of the Study of Heart Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups (SHARE)

Table 2: Demographic characteristics of participants
Characteristic People of South
Asian origin
n = 31
People of
European origin
n = 20
p value
Mean age, yr 48 49 NS*
Sex, % female 40 57 NS
Mean no. of years in Canada 18 48 < 0.001
Married, % 97 71 < 0.009
Ever smoked, % 16 65 < 0.0004
Current smoker, % 4 29 < 0.01
Drinker (any alcohol), % 47 81 < 0.01
Vigorous exercise,† % 30 20 NS
Vegetarian, % 10 0 NS
Some university education, % 66 43 < 0.09
Currently employed, % 77 71 NS
History of diabetes mellitus, % 7 0 NS
History of hypertension,‡ % 29 23 NS
*NS = not significant.
†Exercise associated with sweating and performed 3 to 5 times per week.
‡Participant was receiving treatment with antihypertensive medication.

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| CIM: August 1997 (vol 20, no 4) / MCE : aôut 1997 (vol 20, no 4) |

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