Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Canadians of South Asian and European origin: a pilot study of the Study of Heart Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups (SHARE)

Table 3: Results of laboratory tests for metabolic characteristics*
  Group; mean value  
Characteristic People of South
Asian origin
n = 31
People of
European origin
n = 20
p value
Fasting glucose concentration, mmol/L 5.3 5.0 < 0.07
Fasting insulin concentration, natural log, pmol/L 4.7 4.3 < 0.06
Fasting triglyceride concentration, natural log, mmol/L 0.6 0.3 NS
2 hours after glucose load      
   Glucose concentration, mmol/L 7.1 5.6 < 0.01
   Insulin concentration, natural log, pmol/L 6.3 5.4 < 0.005
   Triglyceride concentration, natural log, mmol/L 0.7 0.5 NS
Homeostatic model assessment, natural log 1.27 0.79 < 0.04
HbA1C 7.4 7.2 NS
Impaired glucose tolerance, % of participants 34.5 9.5 < 0.04
Lipoprotein (a) concentration, natural log, mg/dL 5.5 4.6 < 0.02
Total cholesterol concentration, mmol/L 5.1 5.0 NS
HDL cholesterol concentration, mmol/L 1.0 1.2 < 0.01
Ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol 5.1 4.2 < 0.05
Urine microalbumin, natural log, g/L 21 8.5 < 0.09
Systolic blood pressure 119 116 NS
Intimal medial thickness, mm 0.65 ± 0.19 0.72 ± 0.17 NS
Body mass index, kg/m2 27.3 26.5 NS
Waist-to-hip ratio† 0.92 0.96 NS
*All means are age- and sex-adjusted, except where otherwise indicated.
†Age-adjusted only.

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| CIM: August 1997 (vol 20, no 4) / MCE : aôut 1997 (vol 20, no 4) |

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