Effect of progesterone therapy on arginine vasopressin and atrial natriuretic factor in premenstrual syndrome

Fig. 4: Effect of progesterone treatment on the ratio of luteal/follicular values for mean plasma osmolality (white squares), AVP (white triangles), ANF (white circles), and BNP (black circles). An intravenous infusion of 3% sodium chloride was given from 0 to 120 minutes to 6 patients with PMS in 2 menstrual cycles, with and without progesterone treatment in the luteal phase. LP = luteal, progesterone cycle; FP = follicular, progesterone cycle; LO = luteal, no treatment; FO = follicular, no treatment.

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| CIM: August 1997 (vol 20, no 4) / MCE : août 1997 (vol 20, no 4) |

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