Readying a US measure of health status, the SF-36, for use in Canada

Table 3: Summary results of tests of item internal consistency and item discriminant validity, and reliability estimates; English-language sample (n = 120)
    Item-internal consistency* Item-discriminant validity†  
Scale No. of items Range of correlations Median correlation Success rate, %‡ Range of correlations Significant (and total) success rate, %§ Cronbach's alpha
Physical functioning 10 0.41-0.86 0.80 100 -0.03-0.60 84 (100) 0.93
Role physical 4 0.70-0.77 0.72 100 0.21-0.62 69 (100) 0.87
Bodily pain 2 0.81 0.81 100 0.38-0.69 88 (100) 0.90
General health 5 0.32-0.67 0.65 60 0.03-0.71 28 (82) 0.76
Vitality 4 0.58-0.69 0.59 100 0.24-0.62 56 (97) 0.80
Social functioning 2 0.74 0.74 100 0.22-0.64 75 (100) 0.85
Role emotional 3 0.73-0.88 0.87 100 0.07-0.62 100 (100) 0.91
Mental health 5 0.46-0.61 0.58 100 0.10-0.52 72 (100) 0.77
*Correlations between items and hypothesized scale, corrected for overlap.
†Correlations between items and scales other than hypothesized scale.
‡Percentage of correlations between items and hypothesized scale that are < or = 0.40.
§Percentage of correlations between items and hypothesized scale that are greater than correlations between items and other scales, without regard to significance (standard error of correlation = 0.09).

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| CIM: August 1997 (vol 20, no 4) / MCE : aôut 1997 (vol 20, no 4) |

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