Effects of insulin on renal function, sympathetic nervous activity and forearm blood flow in normal human subjects

Table 1: Steady state plasma insulin concentrations and their effects on systemic hemodynamics and sympathetic nervous activity
  Insulin infusion dose, mU/m2 per minute; mean value (and SEM)
Measure 0 (baseline) 10 20 40 100 300 600 1 200
Plasma insulin, pmol/L 51(8) 332(82) 244(27) 451(25) 1 189 (109) 6 087 (372) 13 366 (1041) 32 838 (1246)
Mean arterial pressure, mm Hg 92(6) 90(5) 93(5) 96(7) 87(3) 88(6) 90(6) 93(6)
Heart rate, beats per minute 62(3) 59(3) 61(2) 63(2) 63(3) 63(3) 64(3) 65(4)
Plasma norpepinephrine, nmol/L 0.93(0.15) 1.12(0.17) 1.00(0.17) 0.97(0.16) 0.97(0.23) 0.92(0.18) 0.86(0.18) 0.98(0.12)

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| CIM: October 1997 (vol 20, no 5) / MCE : octobre 1997 (vol 20, no 5) |

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