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Clinical and Investigative Medicne

Official Journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Revue officielle de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques

February / Février 1998

Clin Invest Med 1998;21(1)

© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

  Original Articles · Articles de nouveauté en recherche
4 Prevalence and disease associations of certain autoantibodies in elderly patients A.G. Juby, P. Davis [abstract / résumé]
12 Parental willingness to enter a child in a controlled vaccine trial J.M. Langley, S.A. Halperin, E.L. Mills, B. Eastwood [abstract / résumé]
17 Assessing the interpretation of criteria for clinical trial eligibility: a survey of oncology investigators C. Weijer, B. Freedman, S. Shapiro, A. Fuks, M. Skrutkowska, M. Sigurjonsdottir [abstract / résumé]
27 Relation between hospital HIV/AIDS caseload and mortality among persons with HIV/AIDS in Canada R.S. Hogg, J. Raboud, M. Bigham, J.S.G. Montaner, M. O'Shaughnessy, M.T. Schechter [abstract / résumé]
33 Non-diabetic end-stage renal disease among Saskatchewan aboriginal people R.F. Dyck, L. Tan [abstract / résumé]
11 High dose inhaled budesonide versus prednisone in patients with acute asthma discharged from the emergency department [abstract]
  Presidential Address 1997 · 1997 Discour du président
39 "Scientists Inc." — Illusion or disillusion?M.G. Bergeron [full text]