

Official Journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Revue officielle de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques
August · août 1999
Clin Invest Med 1999;22(4)
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Original Articles · Articles de nouveauté en recherche |
132 |
Outcome of pediatric Graves' disease after treatment with antithyroid medication and radioiodine
L. Ward, C. Huot, R. Lambert, C. Deal, R. Collu, G. Van Vliet [abstract / résumé]
140 |
Replacement of carbohydrate by protein in a conventional-fat diet reduces cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in healthy normolipidemic subjects
B.M.J. Wolfe, L.A. Piché [abstract / résumé]
149 |
Carotid intimamedia thickness measurements: What defines an abnormality? A systematic review
A. Aminbakhsh, G.B.J. Mancini [abstract / résumé]
Editorial · Éditorial |
158 |
Carotid artery intimamedia thickness a new noninvasive gold standard for assessing the anatomic extent of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk?
E. Lonn [full article] |
Residents' Corner · Coin des résidents |
161 |
Residents' Research Day at the University of Alberta
R. Lewanczuk [full article] |
