Original Articles · Articles de nouveauté en recherche |
220 |
Elevation of plasma homocysteine levels associated with acute myocardial infarction
M.P.J. Senaratne, J. Griffiths, J. Nagendran
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
227 |
Variation in time spent on the waiting list for elective vascular surgery: a case study
B. Sobolev, P. Brown, D. Zelt
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
239 |
Experimental study of the effect of external counterpulsation on blood circulation in the lower extremities
D. Cai, R. Wu, Y. Shao
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
Workshop: Cognitive and Social
Sciences Foundations for Medical Education and Training in the Information Age |
248 |
Commentary on medical education and training in the information age
N.E. Wagner
[full text in PDF] |
251 |
Introduction to the workshop in medical education and training in the information age
V.L. Patel, J.F. Arocha
[full text in PDF] |
256 |
Cognition and expertise: acquisition of medical competence
V.L. Patel, R. Glaser, J.F. Arocha
[full text in PDF] |
261 |
Perspectives on health and cultural pluralism: ethics in medical education
H. Coward, G. Hartrick
[full text in PDF] |
266 |
Decision-support and intelligent tutoring systems in medical education
M. Frize, C. Frasson
[full text in PDF] |
270 |
Computer support for collaboration in medical education
J. Greer, S. Bull
[full text in PDF] |
275 |
Medical informatics and medical education in Canada in the 21st century
J.R. Moehr, A. Grant
[full text in PDF] |
Residents' Corner · Coin des résidents |
281 |
11th annual Residents' Research Day in Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.
[full text in PDF] |
Editorial · Éditorial |
289 |
New risk markers for predicting vascular disease help or hindrance?
S. Anand
[full text in PDF] |