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Clinical and Investigative Medicine

June juin 2001

Clin Invest Med 2001;24(3)

  Original Articles • Articles de nouveauté en recherche
124 Knowledge and use of folic acid supplementation: a study of Colorado women whose pregnancies were affected by a fetal neural tube defect
E.S. Callender, R. Rickard, L. Miller, J. Rinsky-Eng
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
129 Neurodevelopment of adopted children exposed in utero to cocaine: the Toronto Adoption Study
I. Nulman, J. Rovet, R. Greenbaum, M. Loebstein, J. Wolpin, P. Pace-Asciak, G. Koren
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
  Review article • Article de critique systématique
138 Epigenetic inheritance associated with human chromosome 14
D. Kamnasar
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
  Clinically important genes • Génétique et pratique clinique
147 BRCA1, BRCA2 and breast cancer: a concise clinical review
R.F. Carter
[full text in PDF]
  Book Review • Recension
158 [full text in PDF]
  Letters • Correspondance
159 [full text in PDF]

© 2001 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne