Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine


Country cardiograms case 7

Hugh R. Hindle, MB BS, CCFP
Hinton Medical Clinic, Hinton, Alta.

Can J Rural Med vol 3 (1):26

"Country cardiograms" is a regular feature of the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. In each issue we will present an electrocardiogram and discuss the case in a rural context. Submit cases to Dr. Jim Thompson, Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, Bag 5, Sundre AB T0M 1X0.

© 1998 Society of Rural Physicians of Canada

Case presentation

A 68-year-old man with diabetes presented to our rural emergency department after a syncopal episode that occurred as he was carrying out the garbage. He felt well afterward and was able to drive himself to the hospital. He was concerned that his diabetes might be out of control because his blood sugar levels had been above 10 mmol/L for the previous few weeks. He denied any chest pain when questioned by the emergency department nurse, who recorded the following electrocardiogram.

What is the diagnosis? How would you manage this case? Answer and discussion.

| CJRM: Winter 1998 / JCMR : hiver 1998 |