
August 25, 1998 / le 25 août 1998
CMAJ 1998; 159(4)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
Couverture :
La diversité de notre société pose des défis spéciaux aux médecins du Canada. Dans ce numéro, nous examinons le concept de la diversité vue sous l'angle de la santé des femmes : comment des facteurs comme la culture, l'incapacité et la sexualité jouent-ils sur la prestation des soins dispensés aux femmes?

The diversity of our society presents special challenges for Canadian physicians. In this issue we examine the concept of diversity through the lens of women's health: How do factors such as culture, disability and sexuality affect our delivery of health care to women? |
315 |
Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
- Bring back the rotating internship!, C. MacKnight; response: E. Ryten, A.D. Thurber
- Fee code creep, I.D. Richardson; A.R. Wells; W. Mitchell-Gill; W.D. Panton; W.B. Hanley; response: B. Chan
- Diagnosis of chest discomfort simplified, R.S. Baigrie
- Paying physician managers, P.J. Potter
- Abortion in proportion, I. Mohamed; response: L. Buske
- Perverse incentives for all, S. Lofsky; R. Richards; P. Leger
- The best treatment may be no treatment at all, P.J. Rush; response: R.H. Glazier
- Conference organizers, please take note!, I. Kovitch
Evidence · Études |
321 |
Reporting of gender-related information in clinical trials of drug therapy for myocardial infarction, P.A. Rochon, J.P. Clark, M.A. Binns, V. Patel, J.H. Gurwitz [full text / résumé] |
329 |
Survivors of sexual abuse: clinical, lifestyle and reproductive consequences, T.K. Young, A. Katz [full text / résumé] |
· Éditoriaux |
336 |
The challenge of diversity in the delivery of women's health care, P.J. Ballem [full text] |
339 |
Goin' to the country: challenges for women's health care in rural Canada, M.T. Johnston [full text] |
· Éducation |
342 |
Understanding women's health through data development and data linkage: implications for research and policy, A. Kazanjian [full text] |
346 |
Lessons in women's health: body image and pulmonary disease, A. Day [full text] |
350 |
The Asian Women's Health Clinic: addressing cultural barriers to preventive health care, L. Sent, P. Ballem, E. Paluck, L. Yelland, A.M. Vogel [full text] |
355 |
Women who use injection drugs: the social context of risk, E.M. Whynot [full text] |
359 |
Sexual health of women with disabilities, R. Basson [full text] |
363 |
Disability and childbirth: meeting the challenges, E.M. Carty [full text] |
370 |
Not all your patients are straight, R.J. Simkin [full text] |
From the front lines · Aux premières lignes |
376 |
Abreast in a Boat a race against breast cancer, D.C. McKenzie [full text] |
379 |
Not alone: peer support through audio teleconferencing for rural women with breast cancer, V.R. Curran, J.G. Church [full text] |
382 |
A pain consultation clinic for women, M.V. Seeman, A.S. Gordon [full text] |
385 |
Healthy living for immigrant women: a health education community outreach program, M. Murty [full text] |
388 |
Providing primary health care to immigrants and refugees: the North Hamilton experience, N. Fowler [full text] |
· Expérience |
392 |
The poor are different from you and me, C. Despard [full text] |
· Chroniques |
395 |
Canadians participate as unique US project puts death under the microscope, H. Kent [full text / en bref] |
397 |
Private sector becoming the key to research funding in Canada, A. Silversides [full text / en bref] |
399 |
Controlling health care costs a costly business for HMOs in US, M. Korcok [full text] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(4) 305-424 (1998)
