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le 20 avril 1999 / April 20, 1999

JAMC 1999; 160(8)

© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

Dans ce numéro · In this issue

    Communiqué de presse
    Sujets d'intérêt

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Couverture :
On se demande souvent ce qui incite les médecins à vouloir exercer en milieu rural. Une nouvelle étude indique que les personnes originaires de la campagne sont davantage portées à vouloir y travailler (page 1159). Un éditorial d'accompagnement examine comment cette constatation pourrait offrir des pistes de solutions à long terme pour combler la pénurie de médecins ruraux (page 1173).

Doctors in rural areas

1119 Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis
1125 Correspondance ˇ Letters
Directives aux correspondants / Instructions to correspondents
1133 Message du président ˇ President's message

  Études ˇ Evidence
1137 Missed opportunities for prevention in general internal medicine R. Brull, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan [full text / abstract]
1145 Effect of labour induction on rates of stillbirth and cesarean section in post-term pregnancies A.K. Sue-A-Quan, M.E. Hannah, M.M. Cohen, G.A. Foster, R.M. Liston [abstract]
1151 The health and cost effects of substituting home care for inpatient acute care: a review of the evidence L. Soderstrom, P. Tousignant, T. Kaufman[full text / abstract]
1159 Rural background and clinical rural rotations during medical training: effect on practice location M. Easterbrook, M. Godwin, R. Wilson, G. Hodgetts, G. Brown, R. Pong, E. Najgebauer [full text / abstract]
1165 No impact from active dissemination of the Ottawa Ankle Rules: further evidence of the need for local implementation of practice guidelines C. Cameron, C.D. Naylor [full text / abstract]

  Éditoriaux ˇ Editorials
1171 Incorporating preventive care recommendations into clinical practice: How do we bridge the gap? J.D. Douketis [full text]
1173 Recruiting rural doctors: ending a Sisyphean task J.D. Tepper, J.T.B. Rourke [full text]
1179 Krever 2008 M.T. Schechter, M.V. O'Shaughnessy [full text]
1181 When atrial fibrillation occurs with pulmonary embolism, is it the chicken or the egg? K.M. Flegel [full text]

  Éducation ˇ Education
1185 Tuberculosis: 3. Epidemiology of the disease in Canada R. Long, H. Njoo, E. Hershfield [full text in HTML / full text in HTML]

1193 De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium ˇ
1199 285 days and counting ..., M. OReilly

  Chroniques ˇ Features
1200 The 1999 residency match: finally, some good news for anesthesia P. Sullivan [full text]
1201 Infected MD calls for tougher medical screening of newcomers to Canada B. Sibbald [full text]
1202 MDs hope to cash in on boomers' desire to take control of their health H. Kent
1203 Patients buy peace of mind at breast cancer centre S. Pinker [full text]
1204 Are MDs more intent on maintaining their élite status than in promoting public good? C. Gray [full text / in brief]

  Gens de cœur ˇ Heart and Soul
1268 What? A young MD who wants to stay in rural Manitoba? D. Square [full text]