CMAJ Readers' Forum

Project on role of allied health care professions needs online input

Online posting: March 29, 1996
Published in print: May 15, 1996 (CMAJ 1996;154:1468)
The School of Health Sciences at the British Columbia Institute of Technology is conducting an international research project that focuses on a group of allied health care professionals and their future roles within health care organizations. The project is conducted in collaboration with the British Columbia ministries of Health and of Skill, Training and Labour. We have identified several possible respondents who will contribute the broad, visionary perspective this study requires.

However, it is almost impossible for us to identify all potential respondents. If you are working in an allied health care profession, and feel that you can contribute, please visit our website at and click on the What's New link to obtain more information.

You can:

  • send us comments about the project,
  • send us information about a colleague or contact whom you are aware of,
  • request a copy of the final report,
  • download, fill out and fax back the Professional Association Survey or the Educational Institution Survey, or
  • fill in our Key Contact Survey on line.

Any help in this information-gathering process would be very much appreciated, since the technology-intensive allied health care professions are undergoing rapid changes.

Steve Houghton
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Burnaby, BC

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