CMAJ Readers' Forum

New and improved MedicAlert bracelets and necklaces

Online posting: May 29, 1996
Published in print: Aug. 1, 1996 (CMAJ 1996;155:277)
The Canadian MedicAlert Foundation wishes to inform Canadian medical professionals that we have changed the design of our primary products for members: our customized bracelets and necklaces.

After May 1, 1996, members of the foundation will receive newly designed, Canadian-made bracelets and necklaces embossed with the MedicAlert name and the widely recognized medical symbol of the caduceus; however, the new items do not have the traditional red lettering. Although existing members will continue to wear bracelets and necklaces with the red lettering, all new recipients will receive the new, embossed products.

Our members depend on physicians and first responders to check routinely for a MedicAlert bracelet or necklace before treating or diagnosing a patient. It is therefore important that the new embossed design is recognized as a genuine MedicAlert product. The bracelets and necklaces are still custom engraved with the member’s vital medical information, personal member identification number and a toll-free hotline number that physicians can call to obtain detailed medical data and emergency contact information.

In emergencies the information engraved on a MedicAlert bracelet or necklace can play a critical role in a member’s treatment and survival. When minutes can count, MedicAlert is the fastest, most reliable method of getting important medical information to physicians, paramedics and other first responders.

For more information on the Canadian MedicAlert Foundation, please contact Ileana Ciurea, coordinator of education, tel. 416 696-0142 or 800 668-1507, x237.

Shelagh Tippet-Fagyas
Canadian MedicAlert Foundation
Don Mills, Ont.

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