Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference

5. Hypertension and diabetes

Keith G. Dawson,* MD, PhD; John K. McKenzie,+ MD; Stuart A. Ross,++ MD; Jean-Louis Chiasson,# MD; Pavel Hamet,# MD, PhD

Canadian Medical Association Journal 1993; 149: 821-826

[en bref]

From *University Hospital and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; +the Department of Internal Medicine, Health Sciences Centre Hospital, and the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man.; ++Foothills Provincial General Hospital and the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.; and #Centre de Recherche, Hotel-Dieu de Montréal and University of Montreal, Montreal, Que.

Paper reprints of the full text may be obtained from: Dr. Keith G. Dawson, Department of Medicine, University Hospital, Shaughnessy Site, G609-4500 Oak St., Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1

© 1993 Canadian Medical Association


En bref

Dans ce dernier article de la série sur la Conférence consensus de la Société candienne d'hypertension artérielle, les auteurs examinent de nouvelles informations sur l'hypertension artérielle, la résistance insulinique, l'hyperlipidémie et le traitement antihypertenseur des personnes atteintes de diabète. Il est très important de réduire la tension arterielle chez des patients souffrant à la fois de diabète et d'hypertension artérielle. De récentes études suggèrent que les différeneces apparantes de métabolisme glucosique qui découlent du traitement antihypertenseur aux thiazidiques et aux ß-bloquants peuvent ne pas produire l'incidence accrue d'effets secondaires indésirables chez les personnes atteintes de diabète.

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Since the last Canadian Consensus Conference on Hypertension and Diabetes, in 1987, new information on hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia and antihypertensive therapy in the diabetic patient has become available. It appears that both hypertension and diabetes may be part of a group of risk factors that includes impaired glucose tolerance, non- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, obesity, increased serum levels of triglycerides, decreased serum levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and hypertension.[1] If such risk factors do band together in an individual, it is crucial to avoid choosing therapy for one factor that results in aggravation of another.

This is the fifth and last article to report on the 1992 consensus conference of the Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS). In it we review the evidence on the relation between hypertension and diabetes and make recommendations according to that evidence.

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A panel of experts used databank searches to review the recent evidence on insulin resistance and on the pathophysiologic aspects and treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes. As well, the experts had recourse to literature reviews and articles. Relevant articles were rated according to the methodologic strengths of the studies reported (see Table 1 of the preceding article, page 816). The recommendations were rated according to the level of evidence (see Table 2 of the preceding article, page 816).

During our review it became clear that with regard to the treatment of hypertension in patients with non-insulin-dependent or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus there were no large trials that had evaluated major end points. It was therefore necessary to identify secondary end points to assess the validity of the therapeutic options. Consequently, our ratings of the strength of the evidence are lower than they might have been had trials of primary end points been carried out. In practical terms this means that indirect conclusions had to be drawn in many instances. For example, there may be no evidence of increased mortality rates when one form of therapy is used, but there is excellent evidence that some recognized adverse consequences occur, such as an increase in the serum level of an undesirable lipid. The inference is that in the future the mortality rate may increase in patients with diabetes because that type of lipid abnormality is associated with increases in the mortality rate in nondiabetic patients.

Recommendations were voted on at the conference, and those reported here achieved a level of support greater than 90%.

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Pathogenesis of hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus

Essential hypertension is now known to be associated with insulin resistance even in lean, nondiabetic patients.[2,3] It is much more common in the obese,[4] in those with impaired glucose tolerance and in those with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.[3,5,6] Hyperinsulinemia and reduced glucose disposal have been shown to be directly correlated with elevations in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. As previously noted,[7] features of the hypertensive diabetic patient that differ from those of the nondiabetic hypertensive patient are increased sodium retention and increased pressor responsiveness. Hyperinsulinemia may produce these effects. It is known to increase sodium reabsorption in the renal tubule[8] and thus increase sodium retention; in addition, it may increase norepinephrine levels[9] and thus pressor responsiveness, although such changes are not uniformly seen.[10] Increased insulin resistance may lead to reduced sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase activity in the cell membrane and so to increased levels of sodium and decreased levels of potassium in the cell;[11] these changes would in turn result in the features already described.

Several additional pathophysiologic mechanisms may come into play, since insulin and associated growth factors may lead to vascular endothelial and smooth-muscle growth and thus cause hypertension.[12] Renal mesangial expansion may result in glomerulosclerosis, further contributing to the development of hypertension.

In addition, growth factors or hyperglycemia alone may lead to microalbuminuria, which is a harbinger of later overt diabetic nephropathy.[13] Once overt proteinuria occurs, hypertension usually develops.[14] Once nephropathy produces renal failure, further aggravation of hypertension ensues.

Reports that diabetic nephropathy may be predicted from a family history of essential hypertension[15,16] and by an increase in sodium-lithium countertransport in the erythrocytes[17] (also a marker for essential hypertension) are not borne out by other studies.[18-20]

It is still uncertain whether the type of diabetes -- insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent -- truly makes a difference in the overall pathogenesis of hypertension. Renal damage seems to be most important in the former but may also occur in the latter.

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Assessment of diabetes

The recommendations made previously[7] still apply:

Microalbuminuria is an excellent predictor of nephropathy (grade A[13,14]) and retinopathy (grade B[21]) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. It is also a very strong predictor of early death in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (grade B[22-24]).

Recommendation 1: Microalbuminuria should be investigated with the use of a morning urine specimen and a microalbuminuria dipstick. If the dipstick result is positive radioimmunoassay or chemical assay for albumin in a 24-hour urine collection, if available, should be carried out (grade B[25,26]).

Recommendation 2: Dipstick screening for microalbuminuria should be annual (grade D). If the results of radioimmunosassay or chemical assay remain positive, closer follow-up is indicated to ensure optimal compliance with antihypertensive therapy (grade B[27-31]) and therapy for diabetes (grade B[32-34]).

Assessment of hypertension in patients with diabetes

Hypertension increases the rate of death in patients with diabetes 1.8-fold (grade A[35,36]); in addition, it clearly accelerates all the vascular complications associated with diabetes, including those of the retinal, renal, cardiac and peripheral vascular systems.[37-40]

The current recommendations of the CHS on the diagnosis of hypertension[41] should be followed. The criteria of the Canadian Diabetes Association for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus[42] are also accepted. Previous recommendations on orthostatic hypotension are modified as follows:

Recommendation 3: The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension (7%43) warrants the routine monitoring of standing blood pressure during the assessment and follow-up of patients with evidence of neuropathy.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring can be helpful in avoiding white-coat hypertension but is not of proven cost-effectiveness.[41]

Nonpharmacologic therapy

The previous recommendations regarding weight loss, salt restriction and alcohol intake are unchanged.[44]

Since the 1990 report of the CHS consensus conference on nonpharmacologic approaches to hypertension[44] one new recommendation can be made:

Recommendation 4: After a patient has consulted with a physician, regular physical exercise in a carefully controlled manner is likely to ameliorate both hypertension and diabetes (grade B[45]).

Initiating therapy

A diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg or greater is an indication to start treatment (as it is for nondiabetic patients[41]).

Recommendation 5: If the diastolic blood pressure is 90 to 99 mm Hg, patients with hypertensive target-organ damage (as indicated by cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attack, coronary artery disease, enlargement or failure of the heart, peripheral arterial disease or renal impairment) should receive therapy.

Recommendation 6: Patients with a diastolic blood pressure of 90 to 99 mm Hg but no hypertensive or diabetic vascular complications or other cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking or abnormal serum lipid levels, should be considered on an individual basis in decisions about antihypertensive therapy (grade C[46-49]).

Recommendation 7: For patients with isolated or predominantly systolic hypertension (pulse pressure greater than 80 mm Hg) the recommendations regarding hypertension in the elderly made at the 1992 Canadian consensus conference on hypertension (see page 815 of this issue) should be followed.

There is no evidence of significant differences in the treatment requirements of patients with non-insulin-dependent versus insulin-dependent diabetes in the absence of overt proteinuria. Therefore, the recommendations for these two categories are combined. Qualified recommendations can be made about lower criteria for the initiation of therapy and lower target blood pressure levels in patients with increased microalbuminuria.

Recommendation 8: Diabetic patients with microalbuminuria, overt proteinuria or proliferative retinopathy should be treated for hypertension (grade B[27]) when the diastolic pressure is greater than 90 mm Hg. The benefits of blood pressure control in retinopathy appear to be limited to patients with insulin-dependent diabetes who are treated for systolic hypertension.[40]

Recommendation 9: The goal of treatment is a diastolic blood pressure of, at most, 90 mm Hg (grade B[50]). In patients with microalbuminuria it may be worth attempting to achieve approximately 80 mm Hg (grade D[51]).

Drug therapy The panel members found sufficient evidence for a number of statements.

For patients without overt nephropathy the following recommendations apply.

Recommendation 10: ACE inhibitors, calcium entry blockers (grade B[68,69]) or A-blockers (grade C[69-71]) should be the first-line antihypertensive agents.

Recommendation 11: Thiazides or ß-blockers should be second-line antihypertensive agents (grade C[69,72-75,87,89]).

Recommendation 12: Centrally acting agents or vasodilators may be used if other agents are contraindicated or if there is difficulty in controlling the hypertension (grade C[47,69,75]).

Recommendation 13: If first-line treatment is ineffective, contraindicated or associated with side effects the following should be tried: (a) change to or add another first-line agent (grade C[56,69,76]), (b) add a cardioselective ß-blocker[73,77] to a dihydropyridine calcium entry blocker (grade B77,78) or (c) add a thiazide to an ACE inhibitor (grade B[53,68,79]).

For patients with hypertension and nephropathy (urine protein excretion greater than 300 mg in 24 hours, as determined by routine dipstick test) the following recommendations apply.

Recommendation 14: In patients with nephropathy but normal serum creatinine and potassium levels the treatment recommendations are similar to those for patients without nephropathy (grade B[54,80]).

Recommendation 15: If the serum creatinine level is greater than 200 µmol/L or the serum potassium level greater than 4.6 mmol/L additional caution is required in using ACE inhibitors (grade C[69,81,82]) and potassium-sparing diuretics.

Recommendation 16: Diuretics, especially loop diuretics, may be required in cases of reduced renal function to control blood pressure and volume (grade C[47]).

Recommendation 17: In the presence of autonomic neuropathy, A-blockers and centrally acting agents should be used with caution (grade C[83,84]).

Recommendation 18: Beta-blockers should be used with caution in patients with heart failure and peripheral vascular disease (grade C[77]). Beta-blockers, especially noncardio-selective ones, may worsen hyperglycemia and in insulin-dependent diabetes may prevent recognition of and delay recovery from hypoglycemia (grade B[69,77,85]).

Recommendation 19: In the presence of impotence centrally acting agents, thiazides and beta blockers should be used with caution (grade C[84,86]).


The current status of hypertension and diabetes in Canada should be evaluated. An assessment of the prevalence and incidence, especially in native people, of hypertension and diabetes is needed to determine regional differences and also any specific differences between insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes, including the status of their management.

Interventions in the treatment of hypertension and diabetes in patients undergoing renal transplantation should be evaluated (perhaps in collaboration with the Kidney Foundation of Canada). A knowledge of the evolution of elevated blood pressure in formerly hypertensive patients should provide information on the pathogenesis of hypertension in patients with diabetes.

Clinical trials are required to assess the impact of drug class on microangiopathy and macroangiopathy as reflected in the major end points of morbidity and mortality.

The following areas should be studied intensively: (a) the relevance of insulinemia for major end points and (b) the determination of genetic markers for individual susceptibility to the complications of diabetes or hypertension as well as to the effects of therapy.

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The treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes is a rapidly evolving field. The recent findings in relation to salt-sensitive hypertension, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance and overt diabetes mellitus suggest a common underlying pathophysiologic mechanism amenable to therapy. Such therapy must take into account the effects of the various antihypertensive agents on the endothelium and the glomerulus, on insulin secretion and on glucose and lipid metabolism, even though these effects may have greater significance in animal models or in the individual patient than in large groups of patients.

We have tried to review the relevant research and rate the evidence according to objective criteria. In some cases the conclusions are at variance with the data from the research laboratory, but they remain the only conclusions that can guide the clinician if one insists on the appropriate level of evidence from large, double-blind studies of major end points. Our concern is that the overwhelming cost of such studies may place them beyond the reach of investigators in the field of diabetes.

Nevertheless, one important conclusion is evident. The most important form of therapy in the patient with diabetes and hypertension is one that reduces blood pressure. It is becoming ever more clear that the smaller benefits of specific antihypertensive therapy are of less importance than the major benefit of lowering blood pressure. Indeed, larger studies[89,90] now suggest that the apparent differences in glucose metabolism resulting from antihypertensive therapy with thiazides and ß-blockers may not produce the increased incidence of diabetes that was seen in the earlier, smaller studies. Also, the apparent antihypertensive action of agents such as the ACE inhibitors may not be the most important action in selected organs such as the kidney.[91] For these reasons we have developed this set of recommendations to guide the practitioner today. Knowledge of what will be best tomorrow awaits the completion of the research recommended.

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