Table 2: Results of studies of dental fluorosis prevalence in areas with nonfluoridated water
Type of case; prevalence, %
Study and year of examination Age, yr Fluoride intake period None Very mild/mild Moderate/severe* Total*
Segreto et al, 1980[23] 7-18 1962-79 74.6 25.4 0.0 25.4
Driscoll et al, 1980[20] 8-16 1964-78 94.1 5.9 0.0 5.9
Leverett, 1981[22] 7-17 1964-80 95.6 --+ --+ 4.4
Szpunar and Burt, 1986[24] 6-12 1974-86 87.8 12.2 0.0 12.2
Woolfolk et al, 1987[28] 9-13 1974-84 77.7 22.4 0.0 22.4
Ismail et al, 1987[29] 11-17++
Hargreaves et al, 1987[30] 6-13 1974-87 85.0 --+ --+ 15.0
Pendrys et al, 1988[31] 11-14 1974-83 74.8 --+ --+ 25.2
Ismail et al, 1991[26] 10-12 1979-87 58.5 --+ --+ 41.5
Clark et al, 1991[27] 6-14 1977-91 45.0 48.0 7.0 55.0
*Presented to enable comparison with future data and with Table 1. Adapted from Clark.[1]
+Cases were not classified according to severity.
++Students in public schools.
~Students in private schools.

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