Periodic health examination, 1995 update: 1. Screening for human papillomavirus infection in asymptomatic women

Table 4: Trials of treatment of HPV infection
StudyType of studyInterventionSubjectsResults
Carmichael et al, Canada, 1989[12]Cohort studyNo treatment 235 women with mild to moderate dysplasia and HPV infection2-yr follow-up; signs of progression in 10%, no change in 60% and regression in 30%
Ferenczy et al, Canada, 1985[62]Case seriesCarbon dioxide (CO2) laser therapy 20 patients with genital warts or CIN6-mo follow-up; recurrence in 35% overall; recurrence in 67% with HPV infection and in 9% without HPV infection
Riva et al, United States, 1989[63]Case seriesCO2 laser therapy 16 women with vulvar papillomatosisCure in 19%, relapse in 81%; mean time 4.6 mo.
Shafi et al, Britain, 1990[64]Case seriesCO2 laser therapy 25 women with HPV lesionsHigh morbidity; persistent subclinical HPV infection in 88%
Eron et al, United States, 1986[65]Randomized controlled trialIntralesional alpha-2b interferon (IFN) therapy 296 patients with genital wartsReduced wart size in IFN at 13 wk; cure rate 13% with IFN and 17% with placebo; no long-term follow-up
Yliskoski et al, Finland, 1990[66]Randomized controlled trialIFN cream v. placebo for 1 yr 19 women with CIN and infection with HPV-16No difference clinically: remission in 44% (4/9) of women given IFN and in 70% (7/10) of those given placebo; 33% 93/9) in IFN group and 70% (7/10) in placebo group remained HPV positive
Dunham et al, Britain,1990[67]Randomized controlled trialPerilesional injections of IFN v. no treatment 14 women with CINClinical improvement in 86% (6/7) of women given IFN and in 43 (3/7) of control subjects
Yliskoski et al, Finland, 1991[68]Cohort studyConization 116 women with HPV infection and grade 2 or 3 CINHPV cured in 82.7% (mean follow-up 32 mo)
Ruge et al, Denmark 1991[69]Randomized controlled trialCO2 laser therapy v. standard therapy 50 women with HPV infection on Papanicolaou smear6-mo follow-up: cure rate 100% in laser therapy group and in 72% in control group

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