Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

February 15, 1995 / 1er février 1995

CMAJ 1994; 152 (4)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
459 - Homage to our fathers; Hommage à nos pères, B.P. Squires

Letters / Correspondance - 463

Editorial / Éditorial
447 - Women's health: time for a redefinition, R.J. Simkin

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
483 - Periodic health examination, 1995 update: 1. Screening for human papillomavirus infection in asymptomatic women, K. Johnson, with the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination [full text / résumé]

Statistics / Statistique
497 - Basic statistics for clinicians: 4. Correlation and regression, G. Guyatt, S. Walter, H. Shannon, D. Cook, R. Jaeschke, N. Heddle [full text]

Women's Health / La santé des femmes
507 - The social context of women's health: goals and objectives for medical education, S. Phillips [abstracts / résumé]

Case Report / Étude de cas
515 - Adverse reaction to mefloquine associated with ethanol ingestion, R.C. Wittes, R. Saginur [abstracts / résumé]

Science in medicine / Science médicale
521 - What happens to donated blood?, A. Robinson [abstracts / résumé]

From the CCDR / Du RMTC
527 - Supplementary statement on newly licensed Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) conjugate vaccines in combination with other vaccines recommended for infants [full text]; Déclaration additionnelle relative aux vaccins conjugués récemment autorisés contre Haemophilus influenzae, type B (Hib), associés à d'autres vaccins recommandés pour les nourrissons [texte complet]

Clinical Digest
545 - Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study; Amoxycillin versus erythromycin in the treatment of genital chlamydial infection; Physicians' attitudes toward sexual contact with patients; Asymptomatic limbs may harbour deep venous thrombosis

Sélection d'articles cliniques
547 - Étude scandinave sur la survie grace à la simvastatine; Amoxicilline c. érythromycine dans le traitement de la chlamydiose génitale; Attitudes des médecins face au contact sexual avec des patients; Des membres asymptomatiques peuvent dissimuler une thrombose veineuse profonde

At a Glance / Aperçu - 555

Perspectives / Optique
557 - The Class of '34, R. Cairney

Capital Accounts / D'importance capitale
561 - Founders hope new venture-capital fund will spur medical, biotechnology research, C. Gray

Cover Story / En manchette
565 - Controversy still simmers over plan to build plasma-fractionation plant in Nova Scotia, N. Robb [abstracts / résumé]

Health Care / Les soins
569 - Concern over fraud causes Ontario to invest $90 million in new health cards, O. French

Viewpoint / Point de vue
571 - Why don't we give the National Forum on Health a chance to deliver?, M. McGregor

The Law / Questions juridiques
573 - Physicians' fear of legal action becoming "pervasive," lawyer tells Ottawa conference, J. Rafuse [abstracts / résumé]

Logie Essay / Dissertation Logie
577 - The inhumanity of fairness: rationing resources for reconstructive breast surgery, A. Wong [abstracts / résumé]

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
580 - Economic hardship has put Nicaragua's health care system on the sick list, P. Lane

Lifestyle Issues / Vivre aujourd'hui
583 - Persuasion techniques can motivate patients to change eating behaviours, symposium told, O. Lechky

Government / Gouvernement
586 - CPP medical-report form and MD-reimbursement process revised, J. Rafuse

Perspectives / Optique
588 - Humour in the doctor's office, M. Borins

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