Periodic health examination, 1995 update: 2. Prevention of dental caries

Table 1: Groups potentially at a high risk of dental caries
Medical factors
  • with diseases, such as bulimia, Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus or pernicious anemia, that alter the flow rate or content of saliva,
  • receiving chemotherapy with drugs that cause xerostomia, or
  • receiving radiation therapy directed to the head or neck.
Lifestyle factors
Patients with
  • inadequate dietary habits and
  • very poor oral hygiene.
Dental factors
Patients with
  • previous dental caries who are less than 5 years of age,
  • previous dental caries on surfaces of anterior teeth,
  • active carious lesions that develop between recall examinations,
  • a higher than average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth on approximal surfaces of posterior teeth,
  • gingival recession or root caries, or
  • high levels of cariogenic bacteria (e.g., more than 750 000 colony-forming units [CFU] of Streptococcus mutans and more than 100 000 CFU of lactobacilli per millilitre of saliva).

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