Periodic health examination, 1995 update: 2. Prevention of dental caries

Table 2: Recommendations on fluoride supplements from the Canadian Workshop on the Evaluation of Current Recommendations Concerning Fluorides[56]
Fluoride supplements
  • should not be recommended for children less than 3 years of age,
  • should be targeted to individuals or groups at a high risk of dental caries,
  • should be sold only in a chewable or lozenge form, as a behind-the-counter product,
  • should not be recommended in areas with fluoridated drinking water and
  • should be packaged with a written dosage regimen.
Use of fluoride supplements may be appropriate for targeted individuals and groups and for children 3 years and older in areas with 0.3 ppm or less fluoride in the drinking water. Evaluation of all fluoride intake from ingested fluids should be considered before supplements are used.
Estimation of the mean amount of fluoride ingested from all fluid sources should take into account all home and child-care water sources as well as the effect of water filtration devices in the home.
Manufacturers should be formally requested to formulate proper dosage regimens for chewable fluoride and multivitamin supplements.
Recommended fluoride dosages for areas with 0.3 ppm or less fluoride in the drinking-water supply:
  • For children 3 to 5 years of age, 0.25 mg/d
  • For children 3 to 5 years of age who do not use fluoride toothpastes regularly, 0.50 mg/d
  • For children 6 years of age or older, 1.00 mg/d

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