Abortion induced with methotrexate and misoprostol

Table 2: Number of patients, in case series of 100 patients, with outcomes and side effects of medical abortion and preferences concerning type of abortion
 Abortion completed, no. of days of drug protocol elapsed  
Outcome, side effect or preference4-5 6-1415-44Surgical aspiration* Total
Outcome48212011 100
Side effect
52 4011
Duration of bleeding
< 10 d
16 87NA§31
> than 10 d1976NA32
No data1367NA 26
Pain, score for worst pain#
0 20NA2
1­716117NA 34
8­101447NA 25
No data1846NA 28
Prefer medical abortion
Uncertain115NA 7
Prefer surgical abortion330 NA6
No data212NA 5
*Surgical aspiration was performed because of incomplete abortion.
§ NA = not applicable
# Pain was scored on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (pain as bad as it can be).

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