Memo to future MDs: CaRMS directory online

As a service to Canada's future physicians, the CMA has developed an Internet version of the directory of first-year postgraduate-training positions produced annually by the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS); it can be found at /carms/. This resource and a handbook of helpful advice about the matching process is found within CMA Online, where it is quickly updated when CaRMS is notified by universities of changes to program descriptions. The directory will benefit students in the early years of medical study, who can determine the prerequisites for programs that may interest them down the road.

Last summer all final-year students registering with CaRMS received a print copy of the 417-page 1996-97 directory and handbook, but this summer they will be expected to use the fully updated Internet version, from which they can print relevant program descriptions. Hard copies of the 1997-98 directory will be available for purchase, but updates during the year will be provided from the Internet site through the collaboration of CaRMS and the CMA. CaRMS executive director Sandra Banner says initial response has been enthusiastic; at the last meeting of the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, delegates gave the project their overwhelming support.

| CMAJ February 1, 1996 (vol 154, no 3) |