Appendix 1: Description of Heart Steps

What is it?

Heart Steps is a community-based education program of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. The goal of Heart Steps is to eliminate or minimize delays in accessing proven therapies of early advanced care in order to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The Heart Steps' three key communications messages are:

Where is it delivered?

In communities of all sizes and locations across Canada.

When is it delivered?

It is up to each community to decide. Some have promoted Heart Steps in November, January and February, tying it into CPR and Heart month. Each community must decide what will work for them and what resources are available. The Heart Steps program lasts about 8 weeks and can be modified to fit a community's needs.

Who is involved?

Being a community based program, Heart Steps requires collaboration between existing organizations and people in the community who have a common interest in emergency cardiac care. These include emergency medical services, CPR training organizations, medical and paramedical professions, allied health professionals (i.e., pharmacists, dentists) and heart-attack survivors.

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