Table 1: Provincial and territorial information sources
Province or territory* Databases Type of data Information Included+ Drug utilization review activities Special project
Yukon Chronic disease, demographic data, Pharmacare, physician claims Multiple, linkable Billing Retrospective 5-year plan to redesign computer systems
British Columbia, all patients Hospital separations, long-term care, medical services, Pharmacare, vital statistics Multiple, linkable All Retrospective, optimal drug use Pharmacy network
Alberta Alberta Health, Alberta Blue Cross Multiple, linkable NA None Plans for pharmacy network
Saskatchewan,++ all patients Patient registry, cancer registry, hospital separations, mental health services, outpatient prescription drugs, physician services Multiple, linkable All Prospective, retrospective, optimal drug use Plans for online linkage of health districts
Manitoba, all patients Registries (patient, physician, vital statistics, psychiatric services, cancer), laboratory data, hospital length-of-stay and separation data, physician services, prescription drug dispensing Multiple, linkable All Prospective, optimal drug use 5-year plan to integrate data from physicians, hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, nursing stations and pharmacies; drug use management centre proposed
Ontario Ontario Health Insurance Plan claims, Ontario Drug Benefit Plan claims Multiple, nonlinkable All No formal review Linkage of community pharmacies with health care providers
Quebec Banques de données (e.g., fee-for-service and salaried physician billing, prescription drugs) Single, linkable All None Plans for pilot retrospective drug utilization review
New Brunswick++ Medical procedure history, drug history file Multiple, nonlinkable All Prospective, retrospective, optimal drug use None reported
Nova Scotia++ Physician billing, Pharmacare programs Single, linkable All Prospective, retrospective None reported
Prince Edward Island# Physician billing, seniors Pharmacare Multiple, nonlinkable NA None Plans for pharmacy network and project to link data from hospital admissions and public health records
Newfoundland++ Newfoundland Prescription Drug Program (using Greenshield data) Multiple, nonlinkable All Retrospective, optimal drug use None
*No data available for Northwest Territories. Databases cover patients aged 65 years and over and social-assistance recipients only unless otherwise noted.
+Databases comprise prescriber, dispenser, patient and billing information unless otherwise noted. NA = not applicable.
++Has a drug utilization research initiative.
#Billing data will be available September 1996.

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