Table 1: Motivations of offenders in sexual misconduct by physicians
Type of motivationCharacteristics of motivation
Psychosis[17]Offender has loss of judgement as a result of impaired reality testing and delusions of grandiosity and love
Predatory psychopathy and paraphilia[17]Offender uses patients to gratify own needs, has no concern for patients, has no remorse and has a sociopathic or narcissistic personality
"Lovesickness"[17]Offender is emotionally dependent, has intrusive thoughts about the patient, has impaired judgement in regard to the loved one and feels incomplete without the loved one
Masochistic surrender[17]Offender overidentifies with patient, is unable to set limits and denies anger with patient
Uninformed, naive approach[18]Offender lacks knowledge or understanding of ethical standards or professional boundaries

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