OMA reverts to voluntary membership

In the wake of a government decision to take representation rights away from the Ontario Medical Association (OMA), the largest division within the CMA has once again become a voluntary professional organization. In a letter to Health Minister Jim Wilson, OMA president Dr. Ian Warrack said the association "will not force doctors to pay dues to an organization that has been stripped of its rights to negotiate on their behalf." Membership in the OMA had been voluntary for 110 years until 1991, when the OMA Dues Act was passed.

In late February Warrack advised physicians that the OMA's Governing Council will continue to represent the interests of Ontario physicians and patients, as well as poll members and continue its public-relations campaign. The council also plans to continue discussions with the Ministry of Health and promote the OMA's health care funding proposals.

| CMAJ April 15, 1996 (vol 154, no 8) |