Prevalence of factor V Leiden in a Canadian blood donor population

Table 1: Reported prevalence rates of factor V Leiden
StudyLocationSample sizeFactor V Leiden prevalence, %
Beauchamp et al [11]United Kingdom1441.7
Arruda et al [12]Brazil1002
Vandenbroucke et al [13]The Netherlands1693.6
Bertina et al [14]The Netherlands4723
Ridker et al [15]United States7046
Bertina et al [4]The NetherlandsNS*2
Takamiya et al [16]Japan1920
Hakala et al [17]Finland3034
Aschka et al [18]Germany1178.5
Van Bockxmeer et al [19]Australia1264
Emmerich et al [20]United Kingdom and France6924.6
März et al [21]Germany1964.3
Catto et al [22]United Kingdom2086.3
Le Ouerrec et al [23]France3002.7
Present studyHamilton, Ont.3565.3
*NS = not stated.

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