The CMHF honours, celebrates and promotes excellence by recognizing the contributions of selected distinguished scientists from across Canada. The laureates are selected on the basis of either a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime career of superior accomplishment. Awards are made in one or more of the following categories: applied medical research, basic research, builder in medicine and clinical medicine.
Nominations must be made by any two people. Reasons for nomination must be incorporated in a nominating letter or in supporting material such as letters from other people or organizations, copies of published material, curriculum vitae and information about other awards received. Nominations must be made in writing and signed by both nominators. Each nomination must state the category for which the nomination is being made. The nomination deadline for the 1996-97 laureates is Oct. 19, 1996.
The selection committee is chaired by Dr. Henry Friesen, president of the Medical Research Council of Canada, and consists of the following distinguished scientists: Drs. Michel Chrétien (Montreal), Richard Goldbloom (Halifax), Murray Goldstein (Washington), Fraser Mustard (Toronto) and Michael Smith (Vancouver).
Nominations and enquiries may be addressed to: Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, PO Box 5015, 100 Perth Dr., London ON N6A 5K8; tel. 519 663-5777, x4000; fax 519 663-3844; website
The selection committee will meet in January of 1997. The 3rd Annual Induction Ceremony and Banquet will be held on May 29, 1997, at the London Convention Centre in London, Ont.
Betsy Little
Executive director
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
London, Ont.