Some final responses to Dr. Waugh
CMAJ 1997;156:1529
Re: "Abortion and our changing society" (CMAJ 1997;156:408) by Dr. Douglas Waugh
Winston Churchill may have said that "the mill of justice grinds very slow, but it grinds exceedingly fine," but if so he was paraphrasing Friedrich von Logau (1654): "Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small."
I yield to no one my admiration of Churchill and his command of English, but he does not need spurious attribution. Dr. Waugh, whose contributions I much enjoy, will doubtless produce chapter and verse to prove me wrong, in which case I shall once again be shown to be a wrong-headed pedant.
Kenneth Macrae Leighton, MD
Smithers, BC
Dr. Waugh planned to respond to this letter but was unable to do so before his death on Apr. 18, 1997. In this issue, CMAJ features a tribute to Waugh (page 1524) as well as an article on issues surrounding access to abortion services (page 1545). -- Ed.
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