Review of published recommendations and guidelines for the transfusion of allogeneic red blood cells and plasma


Table 1: Summary of 17* guidelines for the transfusion of red cells and plasma
Guideline Sponsor Setting Methods   Comments
Electronic search Literature selection criteria Grading of evidence



Number Grading
Red cells
Surgical red blood cell transfusion practice policies84 (1995) NonePerioperative NoNo No31 YesEvidence inconsistently applied. Many recommendations. Very detailed.
Consensus statement on red cell transfusion78 (1994) Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh All patientsNo NoNo 4No Report from consensus conference. Not evidence based.
Pratiques transfusionelles en hématologie clinique75 (1993) Collège français des hématologistes Acute leukemiaNo NoNo 1No Only guideline recommending trigger (80 g/L). Use of platelets addressed.
Practice strategies for elective red blood cell transfusion7 (1992) American College of Physicians All patientsYes NoNo 26No Focus on blood avoidance. Literature search not reproducible.
Perioperative red blood cell transfusion9 (1988) National Institutes of Health PerioperativeNo NoNo 5No Broad recommendations. Focus on blood avoidance.
Practice parameters for the use of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and platelets85 (1994) American College of Pathologists All patientsNo NoNo 16†No Does not advocate assessment of ongoing bleeding.
Guidelines for the use of fresh frozen plasma86 (1992) British Society for Haematology All patientsNo NoNo 17No Limited to pathologists. Defines fresh-frozen plasma, indications and dosing. Not evidence based.
Hospital blood transfusion audit systems87 (1988) British Society for Haematology Massive bleedingNo NoNo 8‡No Specific to massive blood loss.
Fresh-frozen plasma: indications and risks8 (1985) National Institutes of Health All patientsNo NoNo No Defines fresh-frozen plasma, indications and dosing. Expert panel.
Red cells and plasma
Practice guidelines for blood component therapy74 (1996) American Society of Anesthesiologists Perioperative obstetrics YesYes Yes11 YesMost rigorously developed guidelines. Evidence limited to clinical studies.
Blood component therapy77 (1995) American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Obstetrics, gynecology NoNo No10 NoAll blood components mentioned. Indications used; contraindications stated. No primary evidence cited.
Criteria for transfusion of blood components80,81 (1992, 1993)‡ Toronto, Vancouver regional Red Cross centres All patientsNo NoNo 9No Locally developed. Recommendations limited, not graded. No literature review.
Clinical guide to transfusion82 (1993) Canadian Red Cross Society All patientsNo NoNo 13No All blood components mentioned. No literature review. Detailed product information.
Guidelines for transfusion support in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting79 (1990) American Association of Blood Banks Coronary artery bypass grafting‡ NoNo No8 NoVague recommendations.
Strategies for the review of transfusion practices83 (1989) American Association of Blood Banks All patientsNo NoNo 13No Audit criteria only. Not a CPG. Not evidence based.
Contemporary transfusion practice76 (1987) American Association of Blood Banks All patientsNo NoNo 12§No Position paper review more than a CPG. Consensus process not mentioned.
*These 2 guidelines80,81 were treated as 1 as they were virtually identical.
†In this guideline, there were 8 clinical indications and approximately 8 recommendations on dosing.
‡The number of recommendations was based on the subheadings, not on the number of specific statements addressing therapeutic interventions.
§Only refers to red cell or plasma recommendations.

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